Gift Guide for the Teen or Tween In Your Life
This guide is for the tween or teen in your life navigating the journey of their first periods.
As they embark on this new phase of their lives, it’s important to provide them with love, support, and thoughtful gifts that not only address their practical needs but also empower them to embrace this natural part of growing up! This gift guide is designed to help you select the perfect presents for teens going through their first period, ensuring that they feel comfortable, confident, and well-prepared for the road ahead.

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Teena is your body’s best friend and wants you to feel 100% period ready. The Teena device and accompanying app help teens feel confident through puberty and beyond. The device tracks basal body temperature, and syncs with the app to provide insights. The app also includes tons of education materials for tweens, teens and parents.

Tempdrop cycle tracker
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Tempdrop is a simple way to track ovulation – wear the Tempdrop on your upper arm during your sleep and allow it to do the hard work for you. A great option for teens who don’t want to remember (or have time) to take their temp every morning. Get personalized insights with its intelligent algorithms so that you can track your body’s biomarkers, know your cycle, and understand your body. Tempdrop also syncs with the Read Your Body app.

An essential read for all menstruating teens and women, if I do say so myself! People ask me all the time, does the Fix Your Period program work for teens too? The answer is YES! I wish I knew all of this when I was a teen.

Cramps Be Gone CBD Kit
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It can take some time for periods to regulate during the teen years and sometimes this comes along with cramps. This kit from Foria is an excellent solution. It contains everything you need to relieve period discomfort, naturally: three mini-sizes of their clean Relief formulas that support every part of your menstrual cycle—from cramps to lower back discomfort to PMS moodiness. Used together or separately, these products will help ease period discomfort in the mind and body, both inside and out.

ClaryCalm Essential Oil Roller
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A must have for menstrual health. ClaryCalm is a proprietary blend of essential oils specifically chosen for women. When applied to skin, ClaryCalm provides a cooling and soothing effect. When you feel flushed or warm, apply it to the back of your neck for a cooling, soothing effect. Use ClaryCalm on the lower abdomen. Take it with you to school or practice, or apply a warm compress or heating pad at home to help nurture and comfort your body. Another great stocking stuffer!

My Period
by Milli Hill
My Period is full of fun information to help pre-teens understand everything they need to know about periods, including why we have periods, puberty and getting your first period, period products including cups and period panties, cycles and how they affect us, how to chart your cycle and so much more!

That Time of the Month PMS & Period Tea Blend
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Experiencing mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, heightened anxiety and sadness (or the 200+ other PMS symptoms) is not normal, no matter what you’ve been told. Replenishing micronutrients in the body can help balance hormones and reduce common PMS symptoms. That’s where the Marea That Time of the Month PMS & Period Tea comes in!

Own Your Period By Chella Quint
This fact-filled guide to periods is bursting with positive, honest advice on managing and understanding menstruation, covering every aspect of periods as well as lots of advice on puberty and growing up in a warm, friendly and reassuring way.

UTI Regimen
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Ugh, UTIs… we’ve all been there! Did you know there are natural solutions for UTIs that don’t include antibiotics, and actually work?! I wish I had this product in my teens and twenties. The Uquora Complete Regimen has you covered.

VieWear is the world’s first period pain therapy underwear— uniquely designed to hold ice or heat over the lower abdomen to conquer cramps and bloating. It comes equipped with a seamless, no-show interior to pocket to hold heat or ice packs in place and close to the body! It’s also 100% BCI organic cotton lined and provides an extra layer of natural, moisture-wicking protection from leaks and overflow.

TEEN Period Undies
Feel period confident in this super absorbent, organic cotton period undies that are perfect for teens! Wearing period underwear (or pads) instead of tampons can help to reduce cramps and can feel less intimidating for first time periods.