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Seed Cycling for your period
The topic of seed cycling came up while chatting on The Period Party a number of years ago, and I decided that it was worth a little investigating. I dug through the articles on the interwebs and discovered this whole subculture of women who were using seed cycling to regulate their menstrual cycles, improve their fertility, get their absent periods to come back and get rid of painful periods. Who knew?!
I was immediately intrigued, and decided I needed to try this for myself so I could share this easy technique with my own clients. Scroll down to find out how it helped me!
What is Seed Cycling?
Seed cycling is a technique that (in addition to food and lifestyle changes – no magic bullet here peeps!), naturally helps your body regulate its sex hormone levels (namely estrogen and progesterone) by alternating different seeds (flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower) during the two different phases of your menstrual cycle. This is very much a “food as medicine” technique, and it is safe to do at any time.

Seed cycling is a simple, yet powerful addition to any hormone balancing journey. There is often a lot of confusion around how to do it for different issues, where to start, and why it’s effective, but I want to clear that up with this post and my handy guide.
Here’s how Seed Cycling works
Estrogen and progesterone are two of the key hormones that help regulate your menstrual cycle. Estrogen levels rise during the first half of the cycle known as the follicular phase, whereas progesterone levels rise (while estrogen levels decline) during the second half of your cycle–the luteal phase.
These two hormones can become imbalanced due to a number of factors, namely nutrient deficiencies, a highly stressful environment, high intake of caffeine, sugar and refined carbs, gut-related conditions, and even thyroid dysfunction or thyroid disease.
An imbalance between estrogen and progesterone throughout this cycle can contribute to a whole host of period problems including irregular ovulation and irregular cycles, anovulatory cycles (where you don’t ovulate in a cycle), heavy or long periods, missing periods, emotional and physical PMS symptoms, period cramps, acne, and short luteal phases—to name a few.
In my Seed Cycling Guide, I’ll go into specifics on exactly how to start, but for now, know that the concept is fairly simple: You rotate four different types of seeds according to which phase of the menstrual cycle you are in.
For example:
- During your follicular phase, you incorporate pumpkin and flax seeds
- During your luteal phase, your incorporate sesame and sunflower seeds
What happened when I tried Seed Cycling myself…
I’m the eternal experimenter – and I had some pretty cool results. Mind you, I don’t have irregular cycles or anything too out of the ordinary but I do have a little cramping on the first day of my period and my basal temperatures are sometimes all over the place.
I began seed cycling and 3 months later my temps in both phases of my cycle were much more consistent (no wacky peaks and valleys) and I had less cramps during my period. I also noticed more consistent cervical fluid with a pattern from creamy to egg-white and then to sticky after ovulation. I figure if this helped me, it can probably help you!

How to do Seed Cycling
Seed cycling should be done according to your menstrual cycle if it is regular (falling somewhere between 25-35 days), or according to the phases of the moon cycle if your own cycle is very irregular or absent. For instance, you would start with Phase 1 of the seed cycling protocol on the first day of the new moon and begin phase 2 of the protocol approximately 14 days later when the moon is full.
You can find all the specifics in my comprehensive Seed Cycling Guide for free, just because I love you! As I mentioned above, I did a bunch of research on the best practices for seed cycling and they’re all in there. I hope you try it out and tell me how it went for you.
After reading this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to get started, including:
- What is seed cycling & why it’s helpful
- The benefits of seeds for menstrual health
- Exactly how to seed cycle for your current hormone imbalance(s)
- How to prepare & consume your seeds & an easy recipe you can start making now
- What you can expect from your seed cycling journey
- The most common questions I’m asked about this process
Happy seed cycling!
39 thoughts on “Is Seed Cycling Right For You?”
Hello, my follicular phase runs short and I’ve been ovulating on day 11 or 12. I’ve been taking 2 tbs of pumpkin and flax. Should I reduce the amount I take to try to see if it pushes my ovulation back a few days?
I have a question on how to seed cycle. I am very irregular, have lean PCOS. Some hx, had my period November 15th, then June 13th.. I started seed cycling June 13th, but my period just came on July 25th, just the day I swift to phase 2.. But since this is phase 1 technically, should I stick to phase 1 seeds or continue phase 2 seeds?? Thanks so much!!!!
I’ve been seed cycling for a few weeks with the moon cycle (switching to sesame and sunflower seeds tomorrow with the full moon) BUT my period started today. Now I’m not sure what to do.. Should I keep going with the moon cycle or go with my body’s cycle? (I have extremely irregular cycles, 35-85 day cycles at random.)
Help! Lol
I am entering the stage of menopause, I do not want to take hormones they say it hurts, what can I do … thanks
Thank you for this! I’m on my third round of seed cycling and since my period isn’t 28 days, I just switch to the sesame seeds/sunflower seeds after I hit ovulation. This month it was day 11- will I be messing up my hormones by starting them this day?
Hi Nicole, what happens if I menstruate again during Phase 2 (sesame seeds & sunflower seeds)? I am age 47.
does anyone knows what to do in this situation??? i am so confused right now… please help!!?
Hello I will be starting the seed cycling next week once I start my period, but I did not find the whole flax seed and found the flaxseed meal and decided to get. Will it be ok to use or does it have to be the actual seed?
Hi! I started seed cycling almost two weeks ago on the first day of my period; 1 T of flax and 1 T of raw pumpkin seeds everyday. However, I’ve been breaking out like crazy on my jawline, cheeks, chin, neck, and even my shoulders. Normally I’ll get a few around my mouth before my period, but this is nothing like normal. I’m wondering if it’s causing my to have too much estrogen for whatever reason? Not sure but it’s been pretty discouraging 🙁 please let me know if you have any insights or suggestions!
The same thing happened to me! I started seed cycling and noticed a lot of acne. Also my cycle which is kind of regular each month ( 2-3 days late max ) was suddenly 10 days late. Wondering if its something to do with the seeds I ate?
Hi, I’m starting the Seed Cycling on Mon ,I have irregular periods my cycle is between 22-26 days, when can u suggest I switch to luteal phase seeds, since I’m not sure when or if I ovulate. Nb:i have Ovarian Cyst
Hello! I’ve followed this and am on day 28 (as in I should get my period) but I havent yet. Do I restart the cycle and eat the flax again? Or should I continue with sunflower/sesame seed until I get it? If I take flax/pumpkin seed again….what happens if I get period in the middle of it?
Did you ever figure out an answer to this question? I am wondering the same right now!
How soon after having a baby can I resume cycling?
I chart my cycles with FAM, temperatures and cervical fluid, etc. Anyway, I started seed cycling this past cycle and my cycle’s temps were great, nice clear temp shift, high sustained temps in the luteal phase. Except that now I’m on my period and my period is light, I’m on day 3. I have noticed that my temps are taking their time dropping and that just may not have triggered significant cramps yet (I’ve just had very very slight cramps). It may could be cuz of that. But, I was wondering if the seed cycling could have caused my period to be like this. Any help?
Hey Nicole! I have a question about seed cycling for amenorrhea. I’ve had one period since I came off the pill nearly two years ago, and then haven’t gotten another. I have low estrogen and progesterone and I know that building estrogen and the uterine lining is essential for the first step. Does that mean that I should stick to pumpkin/flax only or just for two weeks and then switch the sunflower/sesame?
Hi Nicole,
I suffer from hypothalamic amenorrhea (period M.I.A. for 7+ months since going off birth control pills) and I wanted to give seed cycling a try in hopes of balancing my hormones. I have also significantly decreased workouts and am trying to gain weight. I make homemade pumpkin seed milk that I drink daily and I was wondering if it might be messing up my estrogen levels?
Hi there,
Im so happy to find this article! I want to give seed cycling a try since I think its really gonna be a gentle and helpfull way to encourage my body to follow its natural rhythm. I have irregular cycles- doctor says I’m entering peri-menopause at age 43-. I used to have a very regular monthly rhythm of 28 days, but the last months my cycles varies from 28 day to 16 and sometimes 14 days. So Im wondering when to start the seed cycling process. Start when my menses starts with the flax-pumkin combination and begin on day 15-28 with the sesame-sunflower routine- and sort of ignoring what my body does menstruation-wise? Or just start on new moon (day 1) and follow the mooncalendar?
Thank you for your advice!!
I m 36 years old .I have problem of heavy menses. I have started taking flax seeds from first day of my period but it really worsen my condition. Should I continue it.
hi there, I’ve been trying seed cycling for almost three months…but still my period not yet coming. I’m worried. I’ve stopped taking provera 6 months ago and tried this natural method. Any of you experienced this long before you’ve got your period?
There are a lot of incredible questions on here, but it’s so much easier to get clear answers in our Know Your Flow Facebook group. Just paste the following link into your browser:
There are tons of women in there who’ve had similar experiences and it’s much more private. I also have a free Period Survival Guide for you here:
Is this helpful for amenorrhea after control pill?
In my case i have low estrogen and testosterone.
Can it works? Tks
Hi There!
I think seed cycling is a great thing to do for your health, especially for kick starting your period again after the pill. I have just released a program which covers this, and many other healthy eating habits that affect your hormones! You can check it out here:
Hi… I started seed cycling last month… Normally I’m on time every month… But sometimes I end up like a week late… This is really horrible coz I ve been ttc for the last five years… So now I’m 4 days late… N I don’t know if I shud continue with the sesame seeds o start with the flax seeds o jus stop taking the seeds altogether… I tested negative today…
Hi Ash!
I’ve added a brand spanking new course to the website that deals with all of this in detail You can check it out here:
Hi Eleanor, yes that is exactly what you should do. You can almost disregard your actual cycle and just stick with the recommendations on the protocol. Thanks!! 🙂
Nicole, I have a question that is the reverse of Rachel’s. My cycle is 24 days with ovulation generally on day 15. Should I take the sesame/sunflower seeds right through to what should be day 28 and then start again with the other seed cycle?
Interesting article, so far I haven’t tried it.
I already have as part of my regular snack pumpkin seeds But now I want to try the whole cycle and see if it helps, because I suffer from hormonal imbalances.
I just want to ask, do you think that having sesame sticks counts, or is it better to have raw sesame seeds?
Just another questions. With the evening primrose oil, I’ve heard you shouldn’t take it over ovulation if TTC as it can cause uterine contractions. What are your thoughts on this and seed cycling.
I’ve heard this before and have just started trying it to get my cycles back. I do have a question though. I had a look at the moon cycles and I started at the full moon, but it’s actually 16 days until the new moon. The moon cycle obviously changes by a day here and there so I’m just interested in what impact (if any) a few days either side would have.
Hey Nicole, this is a great thing to be doing .. I was doing really well with it until a couple of months ago and have fallen off the seed wagon…! so thanks for the timely reminder! I usually recommend it to all my fertilty & menstrual health clients too. Looking forward to reading your guide! Thanks, Lon
Rachel, these are great questions, here are your answers:
Q: If your cycle lasts longer than 28 days, should you continue the luteal phase recommendations of sesame and sunflower seeds until your next period starts or after day 28 automatically go back to the follicular phase recommendations?
A: If your cycle lasts longer than 28 days, you should switch to the follicular phase recommendations after day 28. Don’t continue the luteal phase recommendations. This way you are sending a clear signal to your body.
Q: I haven’t quite mastered figuring out the exact day I ovulate yet, but if I know I haven’t ovulated by day 15, do I begin following the recommendations for the luteal phase anyway?
A: Same as above, on day 15 just start the Luteal phase recommendations. The idea is to signal to your body that a shift is happening.
Hope this helps! 🙂
Keely and Emily, I love introducing fun tips and tricks to help a gal with her cycle. Excited to hear how the protocol works for you. xoxo
Thank you so much for this guide (as well as all the other great information on your website)! If your cycle lasts longer than 28 days, should you continue the luteal phase recommendations of sesame and sunflower seeds until your next period starts or after day 28 automatically go back to the follicular phase recommendations? I haven’t quite mastered figuring out the exact day I ovulate yet, but if I know I haven’t ovulated by day 15, do I begin following the recommendations for the luteal phase anyway? Hopefully those questions made sense. Thank you again!!
This is amazing! I’ve never heard of it but am very excited about it. So easy! Thanks very much for the guide!
So interesting! I’d never heard of this before and am definitely interested! I so wish we could get a period party down in this neck of the woods. And thank you for the giveaway Protocol Guide!
Hey Chloe! Can’t wait to hear your results 🙂
Nevermind! My computer just hadn’t loaded the PDF correctly! Thank you!
This is really cool. I’ll have to try it. How much of the seeds should I be eating every day?