Is your period like evening traffic on the expressway: Starting and then suddenly coming to a screeching halt and then starting again? Tons of women have been reaching out to me recently to ask what’s up with their start and stop periods – they begin, then stop around day 3 or 4, only to return 24 hours later.
So I decided to do a little digging. I also asked some friends to chime in – acupuncturists, Mayan Abdominal Massage therapists, pelvic floor physical therapists and hormonal health experts.
They gave me heaps of useful info and I’ve done my best to condense it into something that I hope is helpful for you below.
Reasons you might have a period start then stop and then start again (according to the experts):
1. Your uterus might be in a flexed position…
According to my friend Barbara Loomis, LMT, RES, “one theory is that if the uterus is flexed on itself it could stop the flow mid-period, however this doesn’t explain why it would always stop on the third day of bleeding, which is what I hear from women (see more about that below). Anyway, if the uterus is in a flexed position (Fig. 1), it would affect it’s tone and ability to release smoothly.”
Nicole’s take: Just so you have a better understanding of this, your uterus can actually be malpositioned, yup you could have a wandering womb. It then makes sense that if your uterus isn’t in it’s correct position, you could have problems with period flow. Barbara talks about solutions for that below and on her amazing blog!
2. Liver Qi Stagnation…
My dear friend Aimee Raupp, an expert acupuncturist with a focus on women’s hormonal health says this, “when a period starts and stops, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, it could be for a couple of reasons, namely:
- There is some emotional stagnation (you are feeling frustrated or sad or angry)
- There is physical stagnation (your uterus is cramping and contracted)
- Or both (and this is most often the case).
The menstrual cycle gives practitioners like me a lot of information about how the body is working. When there is stagnation in the body (what we call Liver Qi stagnation) it is often the result of both an emotional and physical stagnation. I always work with my clients using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to regulate their periods, but even more I encourage my clients to work through any emotional blockages that they may be holding onto as they will most definitely affect the flow of their periods.
Barbara adds on to what Aimee said above: “From a Chinese medicine perspective the start and stop may be associated with blood stagnation or liver qi stagnation. The liver controls flows in the body including the menstrual flow.”
Aimee says this is always treated with acupuncture and herbal formulas that are in accordance with the diagnosis.
Nicole’s take: Definitely go and see an acupuncturist who is reputable and experienced with the use of herbs. I adore acupuncture and have found it to be incredibly useful in my own healing journey and for many of my clients. If you’re in NYC, go see Aimee! 🙂
3. Progesterone problems…
Barbara says: “What I understand is that from a Western perspective, the start, stop, start period may be due to an imbalance with how the progesterone is dropping-perhaps progesterone is not dropping smoothly or completely at the onset of the period.”
Nicole’s take: I’ve researched this theory and not found many studies but it makes a lot of sense, especially since low progesterone is so epidemic among young women due to stress on the hypothalamus which then puts a strain on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA Axis). I can totally see how it could then cause progesterone to act abnormally in the body.
If you feel that you might have progesterone issues, I recommend taking this at home Progesterone test to confirm if your levels are off. And be sure to use coupon code Hormones20 to get 20% off all tests at Lets Get Checked.
According to Jessica Drummond, MPT CCN CHC, “I would venture to guess that chemical toxin exposure, the toxicity of stress (digestive, emotional, lack of sleep, over exercising, etc.) all contribute to HPA axis and other hormonal irregularities that in some women result in amenorrhea or irregular cycles of this kind.
4. Your uterus isn’t contracting the way it’s supposed to…
Here’s what my friend Katinka Locasio, LMT had to say:
“While I don’t have all too much clinical experience with this, my understanding of the anatomy/tissue state is that start and stop is an indication of a hypertonic or dysregulated uterus. Meaning that the uterus isn’t contracting the way it’s supposed to.
During menstruation the uterus contracts with gentle downward moving contractions to help get the menstrual blood out. If those muscle layers are in spasm it will cause the blood vessels to constrict and stop the flow. If there’s still lining to be shed the uterus will continue the flow as the muscle walls relax again a day or so later.”
A few things that might cause a hypertonic or dysregulated uterus – tension in the pelvis, hormone or prostaglandin imbalances, emotional trauma and even oral contraceptives.
Nicole’s take: Makes sense to me! I ain’t got nothing else to add to this one because Katinka knows what’s up when it comes to how a uterus functions! 🙂
5. High levels of estrogen…
Katinka goes on to say, “In some cases high levels of estrogen also play a role because estrogen helps stop the period. If estrogen levels are too high then it may cause the period to halt. This is best treated with diet /good elimination (see below for recommendations). Massage can be supportive here as well both for the uterus and digestive system.” (also see below)
This at home Female Hormone Test will provide you with insight into your estrogen levels along with other biomarkers that will give you a broad picture of your overall hormonal health. Don’t forget to use coupon code Hormones20 to get 20% off this test.
Biomarkers covered in the test:
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
- Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
- Prolactin
- Oestradiol
Nicole’s take: If you have high levels of estrogen, here’s a great way to support your liver’s ability to process and eliminate excess estrogen. Each day eat 1-2 cups of cooked cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, and brussel sprouts, which are nutrient powerhouses that will help support the liver’s estrogen detoxification capacity. You can also up your detox game by including the following supplements:
Di-indole methane (DIM), and Sulforaphane Glucosinolate (SGS) are cruciferous vegetable extracts that are helpful in cases of estrogen dominance. DIM supports phase 1 liver detoxification, and SGS supports phase 2. Start with SGS for 28 days, and then move onto the DIM. I like Thorne Research Crucera SGS. The standard recommendation is to take 100 milligrams every other day for 28 days. I like Designs for Health DIM Evail, and it’s typically recommended to take 200-400 milligrams a day for 28 days.
6. Emotional/energetic connection with your period…
We all know that our brain function is very much connected to our ovaries and that even a small amount of prolonged stress can cause some women to stop ovulating completely!
Aimee says, “when energy stagnates in the body, the liver is almost always affected. The liver governs not just the flow of energy in our bodies but also how we process our emotions. If we’re not processing our emotions – ignoring them and pushing them down – that’s a surefire way to stagnate the liver Qi, and that will definitely affect the menses.”
Nicole’s take: So, are you experiencing frustration, buried anger and lots of obstacles in your life? Are things (work, relationships, etc.) not flowing? This could be a sign of liver qi imbalance and just a sign in general that you have to take a look at what’s happening in your life outside of your physical health.
If you’re over-stressed you might want to try supplementing with phosphatidylserine. Yeah, how the heck do you even pronounce that one right? Good thing you don’t have to be a good speller to reap the benefits of this phospholipid. There is now quite a bit of evidence showing that phosphatidylserine significantly dampens the effect of external stress on the HPA axis (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis – which determines how you handle stress), and helps you manage stress-related disorders. I recommend taking about 400-800mg a day of Integrative Therapeutics Phosphatidylserine but start at 400mg and work your way up if you don’t see improvement in 2 weeks.
I also loved what my friend Stefanie Foster, PT, FAAOMPT, PYT has to say about the emotional connection:
Inversions (going upside down) are an important aspect of yoga asana (posture) practice, and there is a folklore and debate around not inverting during menstruation. The upward flow can be simplified to govern moving from the physical realm to matters of a more emotional, relational or spiritual nature. The downward flow of energy moves from supreme consciousness, spirit, and big ideas down into the “real” world physical realm, and governs functions of elimination and menstruation.
From this perspective, practicing inversions (especially longer holds) during menstruation inverts the energy when your body doesn’t want it to. Imagine going upside down when you’re trying to poop! I’ve noticed that when I’m experiencing heavy emotions around menstruation, all I want to do is go upside down….like I’m trying to escape that downward flow. It’s always harder to just sit with those emotions and investigate what I’m trying to escape, rather than just go upside down so I can feel “better”.
Final suggestions on how to fix a period that starts, stops and then starts again.
Nicole suggests –
- Use a hot water bottle a couple times a week to bring blood flow and nutrients to the pelvic area.
- Castor oil packs – Read my blog post about Castor Oil to get information about all the benefits of Castor Oil Packs and download my free guide on how to make and use them here. Castor oil packs are typically used for liver disorders, constipation, other intestinal issues and gallbladder inflammation. They’re also really helpful for fibroids and cysts.
- Liver detox using SGS (Sulforaphane Glucosinolate). This helps to speed up phase 2 of liver detoxification which will help address any high levels of potentially harmful estrogen metabolites. I recommend Thorne Reasearch Crucera SGS. Take 100mg every other day for 28 days.
- Kundalini yoga – I did an amazing class recently where we worked on “cleansing” the liver. It involved lots of movement that massaged the liver – it was intense but seriously awesome.
- Do a Female Hormone Test and a Progesterone Test to get a clear picture of your hormonal health. These can now be done from the comfort of your own home, without the need to go see a doctor. And be sure to use coupon code Hormones20 to get 20% off all tests at Lets Get Checked.
- Get my Fix Your Period Cleanse – a 14 day detox for your hormones.
- Start your day with a mug of hot water with either fresh squeezed lemon juice or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The sour taste in chinese medicine helps to move any stagnant liver qi
- Process your emotions, express them don’t repress them. Meditation is a great way to do this, as is journaling. Whatever works for you, take time each day to lovingly connect with your body and your emotions and allow yourself to express how you feel. Witness your feelings, no matter what they are, and release them.
- Move each day. The liver Qi loves a little movement. I recommend 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise daily to keep the liver Qi flowing and your health optimal.
- Get my free Fertility Enhancing Acupressure Guide. This guide includes a worksheet and video discussing location, function and the emotional correlation of each acupressure point and is a great way to regulate your hormones and optimize your fertility from the comfort of your own home.
- Uterine tonics help regulate the tone of the uterus and are also thought to regulate the contractility patterns (the way the uterus contracts in different directions at different times of the month). Try red raspberry leaf tea – 2-3 cups a day.
- Mayan massage can be very helpful at restoring proper tone to the uterine muscle and helping regulate uterine contractility patterns.
Barbara suggests –
- All organs require motility (intrinsic movement) and mobility for optimal physiological function, so as a body worker that is where I would start. If the uterus is malpositioned, I would work to correct the uterine position thereby increasing blood flow, tone and function.
- I may also address the liver through using techniques of Chi Nei Tsang (Chinese abdominal massage) and Visceral Manipulation™. A Chi Nei Tsang treatment would include manual liver “pumping” and Chi Kung techniques for releasing emotional blockages held within the liver. See this link for liver Chi Nei Tsang. Visceral Manipulation™ treats the dynamics of internal organ motion.
- If you really want to dive deep into the anatomy and physiology of your reproductive system, check out my Womb Care Online Course. You’ll learn self-abdominal massage for uterine, ovarian, and digestive health, womb loving herbal remedies, and energetic techniques for moving emotional holding patterns out of your pelvic bowl.
Below you can find contact info for the practitioners mentioned in this post…
Aimee Raupp – Author, Acupuncturist & Herbalist with a specialty in women’s health
Katinka Locasio – Massage therapist, (Mayan Abdominal Massage), Herbalist, Labor Doula and Fertility Awareness Instructor
Barbara Loomis – Restorative Exercise Specialist, a practitioner + educator of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, & a Chi Nei Tsang and Visceral Manipulation therapist.
Jessica Drummond – pelvic physical therapist, health coach and founder of the Integrative Pelvic Health Institute.
Stefanie Foster – Physical Therapist, Professional Yoga Therapist and founder of Asana With Intelligence
145 thoughts on “Does your period start then stop and then start again?”
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In the beginning of your period, your estrogen and progesterone levels stay steady and tend to produce a pretty continuous amount of bleeding. But that tapers off as your estrogen level starts to rise again and your period starts to wrap up. These changes can definitely create a stop-and-start situation
so my birth control is the pill but instead of having a period every month, I have mine after being on the pill for 12 weeks. all is normal until I hang out with my aunt. I don’t see my aunt everyday or every other day it’s usually like once a month. every time we hang out, I get cramps and I start my period, even if I took my pill that day. (I have an alarm for when I need to take it and I take my pill everyday at the same time) every time it happens for one day, by the next the bleeding has stopped. im just curious as to why this happens if you happen to know
This post is great and very helpful. However, I still don’t understand why my period would stop on the third day. Everything going on within my body doesn’t know that it’s my third day. Seems like it would stop on different days each cycle no matter if it’s the levels dropping, flexing, diet and exercise, etc.
Thanks so much. I’m feeling that it’s prostaglantin imbalance. Get too much the first 2 or 3 days and get a normal flow, but get pain and headaches. Which is better than not enough and no pain but heavy bleeding. The, for example day 3 and 4 it drops normally but day 5 it’s not enough to and bleeding starts again. How can I normalize my prostaglandin? How can I get a “normal” level of it day 4 and 5?
Hi I’m just wondering I had my period back today and when I put a pad on it stops I’m just wondering if that’s normal for me or if it’s not thank you
Hy my name is valentine 22 years of age.. My period normally takes four days which it did… Buh after it stopped two days it’s started again is it normal?? Is there any medical problem?
i need your help last 6 months my periods cycle is disturibed when the periods start my periods in12days .but last month 18 jan periods start bt still my bleeding was not stopping.i m going to doctor for the checkup she told me after my examine and according to ultra sound report diagnose Cyst and fibroid so i am warried
my age is 38 im married last year
Thank you Nicole J
I enjoy this blogs so much, I was little confused about my menstruation period but am feeling better now
I have a 24 day cycle. My periods are usually 4 days. Of late, I will have the flow for 3 or 4 days then it stops. Then on the 7th day, it starts again but maybe just for half a day. How would I know when I ovulate with this kind of bleeding?
My periods had stopped but after 3 days it again started spotting why it’s happening with mre plz answer me
My name is Rosalie.. I’m on the depoprovera I was on it for six years w my first son and now since I just had a new baby every time I have my cycle it stops and when I’m intimate w my fiance it starts back up again and I lost almost all of my hair also…. I am also doing cocaine but not alot or crazy hits of it…. Is the depo doing this to my cycle or is it the coc… Please don’t judge me
You use cocaine? Stop doing that, you have children to take care of. What in the world? Look to Jesus not drugs.
I don’t judge you, but I also can’t tell you exactly what is causing your health issues because I don’t know your health history. However, using cocaine is likely a big contributing factor. Hard drugs do so much damage to your overall health and can cause all kinds of massive problems in the short term and long term. Please try and seek professional help for the sake of yourself and your children. All the best to you.
Hey my period was on September 30 to the 6 of October & I start spotting on the 12 – 28 now I’m on my period but this like 3 week bleeding but this week is more like a period , is this normal ? Or what can it be ?
– thanks
I think another reason could also be estrogen levels that are too low. I feel like that’s the cause of mine, I never had this isssue on birth control pills, less they were the low dose and then after about a year my period stops. Happened right away with nexplanon. I’m only 26 but I am finally going to start using estrogen cream, we’ve tried everything else.
Reading your blog seems about acurate..reading this made we look forward to take on this.issue. Thanks in advance.
Hi Nicole, I had an open Myomectomy on 25th May, 2018 and had 50 fribroids removed some were deep in my cavity walls. July, last month, my first period came down for one day then a complete hault. Two days after it came down, I wiped it off and by lunch time it was gone again. A day after the same again. It skipped two days then came down on July 8th, 2018 for a whole week thereafter, I spotted for another week untill it got pinkist then hault. Saturday August, 2018 this exact thing started happening again. I cannot seem to get a proper flow or “normal” period.
Hello Alicia! I am not an expert but if you had an open surgery, it is likely that your body just hasn’t recovered completely yet. It could take months before your periods get regular. You should observe your body, report everything to a gynaecologist regularly and do what you can to help yourself recover – proper diet, exercise, and anything you see appropriate. Just don’t give up and give yourself time, but don’t ignore any abnormalities either.
Hi Nicole, so glad i found your blog! This article was so informative. I have a similar problem however my period will last for about 11 days, stop for a day and then start up all over again. But it’s not just the bleeding that starts up again; cramps etc that i usually experience first couple days will also start up again. Have you heard of this happening to others or have any informational for this situation? Thanks Nicole
Hi! Please see a physician and ask them to check your thyroid, insulin, blood coagulation… If you have, what did they say? My assumption is you are producing too much estrogen or not getting rid of it during your luteal phases. Have you been diagnosed with PCOS and/or endometriosis? Get on an anti-inflammatory ‘diet.’ Find a clinic that can get you off any long term mediacations naturally. Happy healing!!!
Very thorough and well-researched. Refreshing to hear different perspectives on this. Gratitude!
Hi Nicole! I see you just updated this post in March. Just wanted to say it has been the most helpful thing I have read in a LONG time!! I have endometriosis, I will probably need a second surgery for it soon. So you can imagine what my periods are like. They always seem to be what one would expect for the first 4 days…then it tails off. So I think to myself, great! Finally a normal period! I’ll have a day or 2 of spotting….then boom the period is back and I need to use a tampon again. Everything you have written about makes so much sense. I have an appointment with an amazing lady in Ireland at the end of June. She actually combines Chinese acupuncture, Maya abdominal massage, and Chinese herbs. I am so excited to go to her and hopefully get some relief of my symptoms (before the next surgery), by all accounts (from friends of friends) she is extremely experienced and knowledgable. You might like to connect with her on Instagram, she is under ‘The Hormone Health Coach’ (Maria Rafferty).
The second point really resonated with me as I have had an extremely stressful job and my mom has been ill lately. It makes sense that emotional stress would affect your period, but here in the West we just tend to bury our head in the sand/take a pill for it, rather than getting to the root of the problem.
Thanks again for a great post, Sophie xx
hi plz hlp m confused alot.
I had sex on 4th feb. Again on 18 feb I had unprotected sex but I took unwanted 72 within 48 hrs. My period date was 18 feb which didt started. I had took test in 23rd it was negative. I got my periods on 25th feb which was light n brown or black but on nxt day no period in morning again it started in evening with little n brown. 3rd day it was still little and black or brown. Why ths happen? Again I took test it on 18 it was march I dint get periods in march. On 2nd april I had a protected sex. On 11th april I took test it was negative ?on 18 april I saw red or brown cervical mucus. my periods came at start it was brown bt then after 1 or 2 days it became red. so i guess this is not implantation. my period was red clor bt the flow was not more or as usual how i get. it was little only 1 pad. now after 3 to 4 days now it beacame vry little and brown i guess due to end of period.
my question is am i stil pregnant or i can say confirmed my periods came so no pregnant..
plz reply m going crazy,.. hlp .. m i pregnant????
Hi there, PLEASE go and see your doctor about this. I cannot give medical advice, and I certainly can’t give advice like this on a blog post comment. There is no way I can tell you whether you’re pregnant on here – you need to take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. Take care of yourself!
Know when you OVULATE: educate yourself with FABM(fertility awareness) start tracking your cycle = basal body temp (bbt), cervical mucus and your sex drive(usually when your really in the mood, you’re most likely ovulating)
Take temp under your tongue, thermometer When your temp goes up after you period (example from 96F to 97.8F) and stays higher than your temp during your period(follicular phase) that is a good sign you ovulated. Track your cycle everyday same time you wake for 3 months to see your unique patterns. (Pleas take a class or have a doc show you how to chart)
**Use condoms during or after your period. I don’t care if he doesn’t like them! Sperm can live inside you up to 3-5 days. (Depends on your partern’s health – they could have super sperm)
You ovulate once during each month – your egg can survive 12-24 hrs. Sometime you can skip ovulation all together (anovulation)
Find someone you trust to get you the education you need to be fully healthy. You are the only who will care about your body. I wish you good health!
Another fascinating read. I have a retroverted uterus (it corrects itself in pregnancy but then goes back to this position in between) and have experienced the stop-start phenomenon for most if not all of my years of periods (started at 12, now 40).
Same exact situation I deal with. My last pregnancy was a twin pregnancy. I really need to figure out what my organs are doing these days. By using contraceptive for 12 months after my twins, a handful of issues have arose involving my abdominal area.
I saw my menstruation last on 6th January then on 13th of Feb. It started after few minutes it stopped the next day nothing is coming out just a little drop of dirty blood please what is the case am I pregnant
4 days ago I thought my period had started… 5 mins later all I got was a bit of blood… now I’m sitting in bed waiting but feel no common symptoms I usually feel
I love dis post. Keep it up. Pls I I saw my period which lasted for two days, on the third day, know sign of it and on d fourth day, I saw it. Is it normal?
It’s like was having my period that night,Then woke up the following day it wasn’t there the whole day but got it again the following day but the flow wasn’t that much like I usually experience, Then the following day it’s gone again.Am so worried.what could the problem be.
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I really appreciate this blog. It’s educating.
I had my period for 2 day and it stop. What that suppose to be mean?
Since two months my period stops on the third day for 24 hours and then it starts again on the 4th worried what could be the reasons.can anyone please help me with this?? Can i be pregnant?
I don’t think so, I have the same thing. The last 2 months I got my period for 2 days than a day off than again the next two days . I am personally not sexually active nor have I ever been so I am sure it is not pregnancy ( In my case ) But I would like to know what is happening because it seems so random yet other people are experiencing the same thing.
my menses started on 25 June 2017 and stopped on 28th june .2017 ,today is 6th july and i saw a dirty blood so i went to change and now its blood that is flowing why that repetition or what causes that., thank you.
Hi my name is Carmen.
I have been getting my period where I will dribble one a day and then nothing until the next day for 10 days now. I am still cramping like I should get a normal period any day but I am not . I am also 37 years old and have had my tubes tied. I also started this pattern about 4 days after when my normal period should have started. Should I be concerned. Thank you for your input in advance.
Hi, can someone tell me if i should be worried… I masturbated and got my period (didn’t play with sex toys and i am a virgin) my period lasted 15 days, then when it ended i masturbated again and i got my period. Today is day 5 of my period and it’s pretty heavy, (am I 14 years old) Should I visit a doctor?
Hi i am getting spotting in the evening and during the day i do not have any sign of blood this is during the time my period are due any info you have will help me a lot.
hi I’m Tabatha Crouch my period usery comes at the end or the beginning of the months but now it stops and stars agen I’m 25 years old and me and my husband are trying to have a baby I would like to no will that comefit the prosess
hi my period is i bleed for 10 minutes and then nothing all day then bleeding again the next day at a later time of the day for 10 minutes then nothing its been going on for about 2 months and the doctor said i have to do blood tests i thng something happened with my c section but the doctor will not say anything about that
I am 22 years old and I was used to have period for 5 to 6 days but for previous 3 months they stopped at 3 rd day and started on 4 th day until last month I got my period on 23 rd day 7 days before my due date and they only lasted for 3 days after that it was just some spotting that’s all.I thought it was due to stress because it was my exam time but its happening again I mean I am again on my periods on 23 day .Should I see a doctor?
i’m going through the same thing and it’s something normal it might be stress but it’s nothing serious
The night before my period starts i always put on a pad and put a glove under my pillow so I’m the morning I can check if there is blood with the gloved hand.
I was having this issue and found relief using systemic enzyme therapy, our bodies use enzymes for everything including breaking down the uterine lining, and bonus they’re good for fertility too if you’re trying to conceive 🙂
Hello ive been on my period for 3 months straight and then it stopped for 4 days and started again yesterday and ive tried 2 different birthcontrols and niether have worked so far i also had the depoprevera shot. 4 months ago. .is there anyway you could help me. Out with my period..i also go thru super plus tampons every 10-15 minutes and pads every day and i take ibreprofen and it cause the pain more…please help me im 16 years old
is you okay you should probably see a docter
Were you told about the side effects with depro provera? You can bleed the whole time. I had it a long time ago and bled 3 months straight. That’s how long the shot works. Talk to your gynecologist that your bleeding might need to change birth control.
1. Frustrating that most of these comments are not related to the topic. Most seem extremely stressed and pannicked. No telling what you put your body thru panicking and worrying this way. I hope they see a Dr.
2. Frustrating that no one has an answer. Gyno, Drs, men or women. My entire life, without fail, my period has lulled about 12-24 hours around the 4th day and started again on the 5th just like it was day 1 with bloating, heavy flow. It lasts about 1.5 days after that. There’s a terrible cramping that lasts about 5 minutes as a glob of tissue the size of a quarter passes about 8 hours after it starts – do severe I can’t take it sitting down and have to leave the room – sometimes my knees buckle, the pain is so bad.
We know more about technology and animal repro than a woman’s body. I wish some of us women’s libbed and independent do-it-all women would study our bodies and find share answers. Women Drs can be just as bad as male Drs w/ “I don’t know” and “You’re stressed” (aka it’s all in your head). So… I get stressed every month of my life on the 4th day of my period?
Hi Valerie, maybe your period only starts on the 4th day, and what you have before is only light spotting? So you’d have day 1 (what you call day 4) + another 2 days. For me it’s normal to have some days of spotting and very light period before having the real period. My doctor says to consider day 1 the day with heavy flow.
hi my husband and I are trying to conceive but I am having a hard time pinpointing my ovulation date due to spotting one day stop for a day and then start full. at first that put my O date on 10/03 but if I go to use the date of full flow that puts my O date on 10/05 which do I use???
I’m in the same boat as you. Take a look at your cervical mucus. When it’s at it’s peak is when you’re ovulating. That’s what I’ll be going by.
Just have sex every other day through the middle of ur cycle and don’t worry too much. My docs told me if u over worry and do ovulation tests u won’t fall easily. I had no idea when i ovulated, just had sex every other day from about day 7 to day 21 and fell pregnant in 3 months 🙂 xxx
Hi I’m 28 an I come on my period yesterday I had blood on the pad but when I went to the bathroom this morning there was abit blood on I went bk again to check an there was nothing there an I went again abit ago but I had no blood is this normal I’m feeling bit worried an scared coz it’s never happened to me before I asked One of my friends an she said its normal it happens
hi its noor… its really complicated to me that what the hell is happening with me… mean it really something like… ahhh… i just went period a week ago and then my period stopped as usually at it time but then today it came again and then now its doesn’t it was from afternoon to evening but now no bleeding and im really fearing so really much that what is just this happening with me… everything was normal when i was single but now im married and this kind of complications are horrible man please help… and i wanna ask u something else too its really something like ahhh a few months ago i got pregnent and we wasnt wanting a baby at that time so my hubby got a pills for me name CALM KIT and its 2 tablets i took for 2 days then then i got period but now we want baby and we r trying for month for it so i wanna ask is peoples who knows about i took a pills they say after taking pills mean again its hard to get pregnent coz pills r harmful and they also say that after taking pills u cant get pregnent again so i wanna know is it truth or not and if its then what i can do to have a baby… pls pls i really need an advice i dont know anything at all pls reply me fast i need help desperately… PLEASE
Hi…I have had my period on the 1of Aug.. and was normal for 4day …On the 6 of Aug me and my husband have had sex and on the 7 of Aug after showering I started to bleed again …is there eny reason for me to worry ?
Hi, I’m 20 years old and I’m on the birth control pill to help keep my period regulated. However, I started my period like five days ago and it stopped for two days and now I’m on my period again. Is this something I should be worried about? Why am I still on my period? Is it normal??
I’ve had the same thing happen to me but instead I’m on the depo shot. Have you found out anything? Are you pregnant?
Happens to me all the time
Hi I’m 23years old and I had excess periods before 8months aftr treatment I got normal periods then again from last 60days I’m not getting periods so now how can I get periods naturally
Hello I’m at a confused state right now. I just turn 30 this year and me and my partner have been trying to conceive for about a year with out success. This month I git my period on schedule from Thursday to Sunday. I stopped bleed Sunday night and Monday I was completely off. But today Tuesday morning when I got up nothing was there but mid afternoon I went to use the bathroom and saw brown spootin in my panties. Half hour later I had to use to facilities again and the was nothing when I wiped… I’m confused. It’s like it came and went for a hour. This hasn’t happened before. My cycle only last for 4-5 days. I didn’t really have blood clots as usual but I did bleed havy as usual. Can some help me understand what’s going on. Could I be pregnat and not know? The day before I started I past out all day and have still been very tired since I got off.
Did you end up pregnant? Just curious bc this is similar to what I’m experiencing
Your story is exactly same to mine. I am confuse here. And I am in my mid month, I kept having watery milky discharge but this time heavier than before with normal vaginal smell. Help pls
Had my period june 8th went off june13th and again on june 21st to june 27th can i be pregnany and when should my period come back on
Comment…i usually have 4days period it came first and second day but d third day it cease but d forth day it came again can I b pregnant
Comment…hi.started my periods on the 29th august and they stopped,on the 1st sep I started again and stopped.would it be possible that am pregnant?
Hi I got my period as normal finished last Thursday/Friday and 5 days later I started bleeding again never happened me before could any one tell me what that means
I have been experiencing Tinder and sore breast . If I laid on my stomach they hurt when I shower or even put on clothes they hurt. My period has always been irregular so I assumed maybe I was pregnant. But I got my period which only lasted one day. Two weeks later I began bleeding again which only lasted a day also. Any suggestions?
Tender and sore breast can also mean you are drink to much caffeine.
My period came on week far last and stop wit 3 days and started up again last week and now it going on the 3rd week
HI, im 20, had a baby in november. had a regular period for 5 months, found out that i was pregnant again. but had a miscarriage at the beginning of May. Last week (June 8th) i was at work and i got my period. but it stopped then came back on in the middle of the night. It has been doing this goin on day 9 now (tomorrow). Is it something I should be worried about? What can I do about it?
For all of the young girls who have posted about their periods appearing, then stopping, disappearing etc., it is very normal for your first year. For further confirmation, feel free to go see your doctor, they will be happy to help and guide you, as were mine when I was around your ages and suffering the same ordeal. Hope this helps.
This really calmed me down. Thank you that did help!
I have just turned 49 this year. My periods have always been a bit erratic, but this period now started over a week early. It stopped for the whole of day 5, came back heavily on day 6 & 7. Carried on into day 8, then stopped, then started, then stopped for 2 whole days, now I’ve just been to the bathroom, wiped myself twice and blood appeared both times! What is going on? Please help.
49 years old, seriously sounds like menopause. Women can go through premenopause as well. My mother in law and my grandma both went through menopause for 10 years. Yes, it can happen. Why I say, to me it sounds like menopause.
Heya! I’m 20 years old, NOT sexually active and today my period started. Or so I thought. It began with some cramps that kinda made me feel like I was giving birth to the alien from Resident Evil (sth common for me on day one), took a ibuprofen and then the flow started, only to have stopped a few hours later! Normally I hate periods but now I’m a little concerned…
Hi i was supposed to get my period on the 21st of may i gotten it on the 23rd of may witch started very light then the 24th was a little heavy then stopped completely .. Witch is very random because i have a period that last 3 to 4 days now i got it for 2 days first day light sencond day a little heavy completely stopped now today im spotting and yes me and my husband have been trying so could this be IB ?
Hi I’m 26 and my period just stop last week and me and my husband had sex and the other day I went to the bathroom St a store and I wipe my self I look and I seen something broke just like a period and I’m still seen it what that’s means is I’m pregnant it was dark brown not red half of the time I be spotting brown and it dose not smell
It was brown what that means is I’m pregnant
Brown does not mean pregnant. Check this link out
Hi good day to you…. I am 29 years old and my husband and I are trying to get pregnant but nothing is happening we both went through a miscarriage last year about 8 months now he travels back and forth to visit me because he works overseas ” but my point is I got my period the 15 of April then come back on the 14 of May I was worried if that was normal because I was expecting it to come back a little earlier so now I’m scared and worried what’s going on with me could you help me please I don’t understand what’s happening now my period is finished I’m still spotting and it’s like brown spotting with a little bit of period has well I don’t know if you could help me but I need some advice please it would mean a lot ???
My daughter have not seen her period for two months the doctor sais she is not pregnant and her belly is growing can you help me.
Get a better doctor!
Was your daughter pregnant?
Hey, I’m very confused. I’m 13 and I got my period 2 months ago for the first time. It never came back.. All of my friends tell me stories about how when they got their period first the second time around it took a while… Is this normal? If so, please help me on understanding why it’s late or not coming at all.., thanks.
My name is Lacey iam 39 I started my cycle just this past Saturday around 2am my cycle stopped last Thursday on Sunday I went to bed that night I woke up around 6am this morning and went to the restroom and went to wipe and there was blood not to dark or not to light it was I would say a medium red…iam having abdominal pain and my lower back really hurt’s wtich is funny because my lower back hurts when I have my cycle iam lost for words what should I do
Hi can u get pregnant on your period?
Yes u can it happened to my oldest sister twice
Hi I’m Veronica! So I have a question in regards to pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant while this happens. My period stopped for 4 days. I had intercourse with my husband 3 days and each time we tried. My period came back this morning. Is it at all possible I could conceive ?
Hi I’m Danielle I’m 39 yrs old, I recently started my period on Tuesday of this week and then by Friday it stops, but then this morning Sunday it was bleeding. This has never happened to me before so I’m abit concerned! I have two children, first I had naturally and my 2nd I had a ceasarrian, so whether my pelvic floor is out of balance I don’t know!
Hi I started my period yesterday it was very very light and on the same day I had nothing now today nothing but I’m getting cramp pains really bad what could this mean?
Your pregnant
Could be implantation bleeding, better seeing a doctor.
I am 30. I had a leep procedure done in 2009 then another leep procedure done in 2013. All my pap smears since surgery has been normal . and now I am on depo shot and I have been on it for a year and I’m having spotting and bleeding on and off for about 2 weeks now. I had the depo shot years ago and experienced no spotting or bleeding what so ever. I’m just really starting to get scared . I hear that women react different to the depo . Like some women stop getting their periods some still get them. But my period before the shot was normal. Always on time and never too painful or heavy. I just don’t know what to do. I’m seeing my doctor soon but they aren’t offering me an exam they’re just having me come in to talk. How do I know since my last pap in August that the cancer hasn’t progressed?
I ran across this web site and i really like it the questions and answers are very informative. I am 49 years old and my body is really changing, sometimes I feel like I’m in a sauna, drenching wet in middle of the night. Menstrual cycle has a mind of its own. So with that said my cycle last month waited almost the full month to start and this month came on time lasted for 3-4days stopped for 3 days and bam started again i am confused what to do i feel like am on a roller coaster ride.
I started my period a long time ago during the summer I had it a couple times more than it just stopped I haven’t had it since what’s wrong with me I’m not pregnant
I’m almost 39 years old.. my periods have always been pretty much on time and not heavy and only last 3 days.. but for the last 3 months I have bled for 2 weeks straight and very heavy,then stop for a day and started back for 6 days.. and I’ve always had bad migraines, and seems like they are very bad the whole time I’m on my period.. I know it’s not normal but I’m kinda of scared to go to doctor cause last time I went they said I had signs of multiple sclerosis in my back..I’ve also had Cervical cancerfew years back and had it removed,,so I’m always thinking in the back of my head is this a sign that I may have cancer again
I have a similar issue as you. I had pre cervical cancer a year ago and now I’m on depo shot . I am having on and off bleeding and spotting now for about 2 weeks and I’m not sure what is causing it.the shot or the cancer getting worse
usually the shot .
No some doctors be lying you have to find a better doctor
Hi ladies, so glad to find this site. I am in the late phases of Perimenopause and starting the frustration of the start/stop/start phenomenon. My body is losing its mind lol I compare it to being a blossoming adolescent again…minus the energy. As far as the cycles go, I guess you begin to experience the same thing as when you started … getting you ready for “the second childhood.” Oy, being a woman is not easy, most men couldn’t handle it lol its not for whimps. Thanks for the post, I look forward to more – no embarrassment zone here. 🙂
Hi I’m 24 and i started my period on the 21 and then it stop for like half the day and then started again what could be wrong? And also me and my fiancé has been trying to get pregnant for like 2yrs and I can’t get pregnant and also when I first start my period I get in alot of pain like my stumice is twisting inside and also get hot and cold flash’s could there be something wrong with me and should I go get checked out?
I experience that as well when I start my cycle. I was 23 when I found out I had ovarian cyst, which they say are normal, and leaves on its own. But mines didn’t and it grew. I was too trying to get pregnant as well. The cyst made it very complicated to get pregnant. Long story short,at age 27, my right ovary produced a egg and I got pregnant before I could get the cyst taken off,(painful pregnancy) but baby was healthy. It’s always best to get checked out by your doctor.
I am 12 and just started my first period on Friday night and it ended on Monday and till Tuesday evening there was nothing but after that it started again .Is it normal
Idk mine is the exact same i have had mine since Tuesday and today it stopped around 10am and then I went to the bathroom like 30min ago and it had started again so I’m like is this normal and I really need it to stop soon as I have to go to a sleepover in a few weeks!
Me too
I’m 12 am I started my period about a year almost ago and I told my mom I had it then a couple a days later it stopped then she asked if I still had and I said no it’s weird and very stressfull every month I have pain in my stamch but no period it’s weird and the cramps don’t go away until a new day begins it’s crazy and it messes up my clothes cause I don’t know when it comes are not
so, I ended my period 5 days ago and I was on it for a week and two days. I started my period again today thought . With the symptoms and all which includes the cramps and lower back aches. I also just started my birth control when I started my period …
Hi! I am 11 years old and I just started my period on friday night (1 week ago) when it started the blood was brown but later it got red… It has so far been 1 week (7 days) since I have started, But 3 days in it stopped, Then started again 24 hours later… Right now it is 10:00 pm (friday) and it is still going… I am worried tomarrow (the eight day mark) it will still be going… But also it is getting brownish again…? Is it normal for it to do this? Also techically since I started it has been aprox 5 days cause it started at night and I didn’t have it one day… But also after the day I didn’t have it I had intense clotting (well not INTENSE) but alot of clotting, and I am freaking out my period is going to last really long and I might die or something! <:( I told my mom it ended like 4 days ago because thats when it like "stopped" but now I don't really wan't to explain what is really happening. I am super uncomfrombal cause at school I have to check every class that my blood is not bleeding through my pants or somthing… 🙁 and it has been really awkward for me… I really hope it ends tomarrow! But it probly won't and I am going to freak out! This helped alot but I am still nervous I am going to die! <:'( But thanks for making this post! <:')
Hi hon,
I wouldn’t worry, I understand it can be scary for you however brown initially and at the end is normal, it means your finishing, and on your last day/ few days. If needed there will be people in school for you to talk to if needed, and if you are concerned about blood leaking you should wear a heavier pad/ tampon. Regarding the stopping, that’s nothing to worry about either, read some advice from above, and if you are genuinely concerned ask your mum or someone to take you to the doctors. hope that helps! X
I bleed for 2 days then periods stops after 7 days complition i took bath then 4 dats later it started again this time flow was like an actual period .. i got scared why this happened i m single n virgin i was on levosulpride but it was for one month 3 months agot it stopped…. but yes i was going through lots of stress and depression these day do u think its normam
Hi Ava, I think it’s awesome that you commented on my post. You are so smart and brave AND probably the youngest person to ever comment on any of my posts. 🙂
First of all, please know that your period is not supposed to be totally normal when you first start out, and you’ll see quite a few fluctuations. It might be long (like you’re experiencing now) or short some months. So don’t worry at all, it will all straighten itself out. And if it doesn’t, just send us an email to su*****@ni**********.com and we can recommend some resources. And I think if you feel comfortable telling your mom all of this, you should. I am sure she will be supportive. As for school, I would suggest checking your pad every 2 hours or so to make sure you don’t need to change it. That way you won’t bleed through your clothes. Hope this is helpful and congrats on getting your first period! It’s an amazing milestone.
Hey I’m 12 years old and I got my period for the first time on Wednesday and it is Monday today in the morning it just poors out but this morning nothing happened thank god for that and then I was just cleaning my room I felt something I got sooo scared because I wanted it to be over so I went to the barthroom and I had blood all over my pad coz I still wore one just in case so yeah I’m really scared I just want it to end X ???
Question what does it mean if I was two days late started for two days then off the third then had light spots the fourth then now off again
Can u help me my period will start than the next minute I am not and them it starts again. Please help me.
Thank you so much for this!!!! I was starting to freak out, this is the first time this has ever happened to me.
I saw my period for only a day n stop y pls
Hey I’m 12 and had my first period yesterday and this morning but now nothing seems to happen no more blood is there a problem
So iam 13 my period Usually lasts five days but this month it lasted for 4 days and it was gone than 24 hours later it came back and started coming back as a medium flow. Is that normal?
I had my period for 2 days then I stop I have come back on is that normal?? please tell me what is problem
my period has come for 6 days, stopped for a day then came back again? -.- someone help??
i had I had my period for 2 days, then it stops for next day please tell me whats a problem
Hey Nicole can you please tell me why I just finish my period then start again thanks Dylaan
Thank you so much for this post.
I’ll be 32 in exactly one month’s time and for about 5 years now, I’ve observed my period stopping on the 3rd day and starting again on the 4th and I felt I’m the only woman in the world who experiences this. I’ve gone to see a doctor who seemed clueless on my issue and I was beginning to feel like I may be living with some sort of complications which might affect my ability to bear children. But I feel so relieved now.
Truly, knowledge is power. Thank you for educating me on this one.
you are definately not 29 and all my periods have been like that. startsand stops on day three, pauses for half a day and finishes off. i think its normal.
I’ve experienced this since I was about 29 around the time I stopped taking the pill Dianette (don’t know if it’s just co- incidence). It’s incredibly frustrating as it’s like getting a second bout of PMT – causes so much tension and the confusion of why it’s happening only increases the anxiety. I totally agree with someone’s comment further back that sometimes it seems science knows more about robots or maybe even outer space than the workings of women’s body’s!! I’ve never been able to find an explanation or remedy – this is the first time I’ve found d anything about it online – many thanks to the writer of this article – I thought I was the only one too!! The only thing I can say is (I am now 38) and a few years back I found my iron levels were slightly below what they should be and taking iron tablets seems to help my period be more even- less stop start and I feel a bit better. Also daily exercise – getting up early to walk the dog before work then twice when I got home in the evening also seemed to help and generally plenty of rushing around after the dog (I sometimes look after my parents very energetic dog). But don’t force yourself too much or stress out too much as this will make it worse!!).
The last year or two it has been better I don’t know if it’s the iron tablets but now I have a new worry- my cycle is often only 28 days – poor me!?- it’s definitely not easy being a woman!!?
I don’t normally leave comments, but just wanted to say a big thank you for putting this blog post together. You are amazing! I’m so glad I came across your website 🙂 Jade
Hi Jade! Thank you so much for saying this, it means everything to me that I can help women by simply writing about what I have learned. Take good care! xo
I had my period for 8 days, then it stops for three. I think my period is off, so I don’t wear any pads. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO BLOOD. Then today, on the 20th of this month July, I have blood flowing out of me like a chocolate fountain. What is wrong with me? Is this normal? And there is this huge ball of red stuff that falls out while I am on the toilet. What is wrong, and is this normal?
i get clots 2
Hey I’m 23 years old I’m having some sort of problem I had my period on the 22nd June which stop on the 27th .. Was off until the 5th of July which then I started too bleed again but it isn’t like a period at all its real light then brown a few spots of red but it’s on and off day time I won’t have nothin come 5/6 in the evening I will start again for the night or stop for a full day and then start again the next day …I’ve never had this before and I was just wondering is this normal or should I go get it checked over ? Many thanks Staciee
I have had my period for 5 days on the fifth day I woke up and there was nothing on the pad, it was the same until lunch but just after it started again is this normal?
And does this mean it will stop soon?
Dear Nicole. Thank you for the great blog. Could you please talk about women who have two periods per month (one every two weeks). I have severe endometriosis and get a period once every two weeks but my periods are very light (only one day each time). This is very frustrating and do not know what is the cause and how to fix it.
Some women get bleeding when they ovulate, maybe it could be that?
I had my period for 2weeks then I stop I have come back on is that normal??
The same thing happened to me I feel a lot better now
Love this blog! Keep them coming.
Thank you Julie!!