Click here to get my free Castor Oil Pack Guide.
I’m not sure what you think about when you hear the words “castor oil” but for me it brings up memories of my mom describing my birth. At the time, her doctor strongly recommended that she drink castor oil to help bring on labor and speed up the labor process.
So my poor mom drank a whole bunch of castor oil, promptly threw up and then labored for thirteen hours with me anyway. Sorry mom, I guess it doesn’t work for everyone huh?
Fast forward 35 years and here I am, a women’s health coach about to regale you with tales of the miracle-like benefits of this sticky stuff.
I first discovered it years ago during a Mayan Abdominal Massage (ATMAT) session. The practitioner slathered it on my abdomen and my parched skin (I have dry skin problems) soaked it right up! My period came a week later and it was perfect – it was four days long, not too heavy and pain free – naturally my curiosity was piqued.
What is castor oil?
Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the Castor Oil plant and has been used by many cultures for centuries to promote healing, specifically reproductive system healing. In the past it was referred to as “Palma Christi” because it’s leaves were believed to resemble the Hands of Christ, able to perform healing miracles.
It’s been found to help address congestion in the pelvic floor, increase blood flow and circulation to the uterus and ovaries, soften scar tissue (from c-sections, laproscopic surgery, cysts, cervical dysplasia or cancer), shrink fibroids, help with endometriosis pain, improve or even eliminate mild-medium period cramping, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders.
So how does castor oil perform all these miracles? It has been shown to stimulate the three most important parts of the body in charge of removing waste and toxins: the lymphatic and circulatory systems, and the liver.
We’ll start with the lymphatic system as this is where this oil holds a very unique benefit.
How castor oil relieves congestion on the lymphatic super-highway
As is often the case with ancient medicines, castor oil was dismissed for many years by the modern scientific community as being mere folklore. But more recent studies have even the most ardent critics becoming believers.
One study, focusing on castor oil’s effects on our lymphatic system, found a “significant” increase in the number of T-11 cells within patients after performing a castor oil treatment. As the study points out regarding this increase:
“The T-11 cell increase represents a general boost in the body’s specific defense status. Lymphocytes actively defend the health of the body by forming antibodies against pathogens and their toxins. T-cell lymphocytes originate from bone marrow and the thymus gland as small lymphocytes that identify and kill viruses, fungi, bacteria, and cancer cells. T-11 cell lymphocytes supply a fundamental antibody capability to keep the specific defense system strong.”
Lymphocytes are your immune system’s disease-fighters. They travel along the hundred miles of your lymphatic highway removing waste from your tissue and transporting it to your blood so that it can be removed from your system.
This process is called lymphatic drainage. When there is congestion in this system, waste and toxins build up causing inflammation and disease.
Castor oil has been proven to stimulate the lymphatic system, increase the number of T-11 cells, which reduces congestion allowing the traffic on this very important highway to flow freely.
This one attribute of castor oil is truly miraculous. Our lymphatic system, unlike our circulatory system, does not have a heart to help it keep circulating. Instead it relies on our bodies movements to keep things moving along.
A lack of consistent exercise and physical activity can cause the whole system to slow down leading to congestion and inflammation. Boo!
The fact that a simple soothing castor oil treatment can immediately kick-start this very important disease fighting process is truly a gift from the goddesses.
Note: There are quite a few studies on castor oil, many of which are supposedly inconclusive. I want to make a point here that while that may be the case, the anecdotal evidence for the benefits of castor oil are quite profound and should not be dismissed. I have had tremendous results and so have many of my clients.
How castor oil helps with Detoxification
Now that your lymphatic system is flowing freely, removing waste and toxins from your tissue, castor oil moves on to stimulate the other detoxifying systems necessary to remove this stuff from your body.
It first provides a boost to your circulatory system to help increase blood flow to accommodate the removal of the waste being transferred by your T-cells to your bloodstream.
This bump in circulation produces new nutrient packed oxygenated blood which then travels throughout your body, to your reproductive organs, giving them a fresh army to help heal any damages and fight against any diseases. How perfect is that?!
The last step in this detoxification process happens in the liver. The liver is the main detoxifying organ in the body. Its job is to break down any externally-produced chemicals, as well as your body’s hormones, so that they can be easily removed from your system.
The liver also produces half of the lymph fluid for your lymphatic system. So when castor oil stimulates the lymphatic system, it also stimulates the liver, kicking it into gear so that it will be prepared to help break down the toxins that are on their way from the lymphatic and circulatory delivery systems.
It’s pretty amazing stuff!
Basically, in a nutshell, castor oil is a detoxifying, inflammation-fighting, super-shero! Our body’s systems for removing waste and toxins are amazing but they are also fragile and can easily become congested and out of sync, especially if we are not eating well and taking care of ourselves.
Castor oil and its incredible properties can help us get these systems flowing freely and get back in tune with one another allowing our body to begin to heal itself again. Now I can see why they called it the Hand of Christ! 🙂
How To Make Castor Oil Packs
A castor oil pack sounds fancier than it is, I promise! It’s a topical application of castor oil to your abdomen with a piece of flannel or cloth placed on top, and then a hot water bottle or heating pad on top of that. A few times a week on non-menstruating weeks only, and voila! You’ve got an economical, efficient and effective way of benefiting from this incredible oil.
Click here to get my FREE guide on how to make and use castor oil packs.
And if you want a deep dive into this incredible oil, check out the book, The Oil that Heals by William McGarey, a doctor who has used castor oil to successfully treat many conditions including arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, liver and gallbladder problems.
WARNING: I know, I know there are always precautions to take. I recommend consulting with a naturopath or doctor to make sure this is a good remedy for you. You should not use castor oil packs while on your period, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are trying to conceive, don’t use castor oil packs after ovulation.
38 thoughts on “Castor Oil For Menstrual Health & Fertility”
I have endo and have been experimenting with castor oil for period pain relief. I’ve found that if I use 2 drops in my belly button every night for the 3 weeks that I’m not bleeding, it significantly reduces the pain. The 1st month i did it, the pain went from level 10 to 6. Then the 2nd month, same deal. The 3rd month, I was pain free but my period, which is usually 5 days lasted over 12 days! At the time I didn’t realize that it was the castor oil cause i was trying other things as well. Fast forward a few months. I’ve been using 2 drops of castor oil every night in my belly button and once again, after a few months of doing this, I finally got to level 2 pain which is barely anything but once again, my period is lasting longer than normal! So in conclusion, it works, but maybe too well! I will apply the oil every other day instead of every day and see how that goes. It’s great to finally find a pain solution at 45yrs old (I’ve been trying to figure it out for my 11yo daughter who gets really bad cramps as well) but sucks having a super long bleeding time!
used 1 drop of it in my belly button for 4-5 days in a row and my period came a full week early. I’m 48.5 and it’s NEVER come a whole week early in my life. Then it’s lasted 9 days-a few moderate, then heavy, then light. I’m finishing day 10 & i’m still spotting. I’m concerned it’s too much. A friend swears I should keep using it for liver detox and overall health, but I can’t have 10 day periods every 3 weeks!!!
Can castor oil disolve endometriosis
I used castor oil pack before my next cycle,during my period I experience heavy flow with clots I have adenomyosis. It is normal?
Your symptoms are normal for adenomyosis, but it’s not exactly “normal” if you are bleeding so much and experiencing pain.
I had delayed period and next week is my vacation. After reading this post I applied castor oil on my belly button, periods came in the same night.
I just started using castor oil and I notice a little, very light brown spotting. Is this normal? Like just my body getting rid of something?? Thanks!!
Im 45 and my period stopped suddenly with no warning..its been almost a year, im hoping the caster oil starts my periods back up. The strange thing is after doing the pack I start to feel cramping but nothing is happening how long month wise do I do this? On my 3rd treatment and I let the pac sit there for an hour..thank you for all your advice.
I was told once a week, as long as not on menstrual ( skip if am) for 3 months then cut back to twice a month. If trying to conceive which Im not was told to don’t do them after you ovulate and start back up after menstrual.
Hi Rebecca, did your periods start up after castor oil packs?
My periods are irregulate…can I drink a spoon of castor oil with milk to get manses
Haven’t seen my periods for over a year and half now but haven’t tried anything yet pls help, I am 44yrs now I think I want to try to conceive please help
Im in the same situation and age, im hoping the caster oil starts my periods back up. The strange thing is after doing the pack I start to feel cramping but nothing is comming out yet.
I stopped periods for three months, 44 and used caster oil for breast cysts , put on abdomen 2 nights ago and in. Navel, periods came two days later, happy but 😠 annoyed was happy they left me, but equally happy it came back
I started my first castor oil pack on the second day of my period then I waited and did one again the day after my period ended. Now I’m cramping and menstruating a whole week early. Am I cleaning out or something? Help!
You express concern about using non organic castor oil and yet you recommend wrapping the cotton in plastic and then storing it in plastic in the fridge. A bit of inconsistency here I would say. The castor oil will suck up all the toxins from the plastic and put it all back into you at worst. Not having any room in cloth to suck out toxins from your body at best. Please clarify.
The container is a glass container. I’ve added that into the post so it’s clear. The plastic wrap is used on top the flannel so you don’t get castor oil everywhere. It does not touch your skin. I’ve also updated the post to reflect that. If you feel strongly about not using plastic wrap then I’m sure you can find something else to cover the flannel.
Castor oil can increase your period flow. So it’s adviced not to use during your period in case you are already prone to heavier than normal flow! If you don’t have this problem than no worries.
Yes, definitely! It should only be used during non-menstruating times in your cycle.
We’re do I put the castor oil pack to start my period? Lower belly or over my liver?
I took 3 table spoons orally for the laxative affect. It worked. Two days later my period started. I was diagnosed with PCOS over 6 years ago and do not have a period without the help of medication. I tried to think back to find out what I did differently for my period to happen naturally. The castor oil was the only difference. I am hopeful that I have found something that helps as we are trying to get pregnant.
I used castor oil pack before periods and I have spotting and periods and again spotting is there which was never there after periods. I have endometriosis, is this because of castor oil pack. I just had pack for 1 day.
Comment…I used castor seed as birth control and am experiencing irregular periods . what should I do
I would also like to know why it shouldn’t be used during your period?
Because it can cause heavier blood flow. So it is recommended that you avoid it during this time.
why should this not be done during a period?
Can I use a caster oil pack during my period to boost my fertility? I ment to do it the day before I started but I forgot 🙂
Same question..pls help me
I took castor oil orally because of my irregular periods. The period came flowing but it has been on for 11days .What should I do
my period is not irregular how do I use Castor oil to correct it. is more than 6 month now
Hi I’ve done the castor oil pack for 3 days and I’m feeling fatigue and my abdomen is sore from it. I even got cramps a slight spotting after using the pack. I have irregular period. And currently no period yet. So I gave this castor oil pack a try. I don’t know if I should continue with this.
I want to know how to use caster oil in eating sense
Actually I heard about this oil that in night if you take 2 tea spoon with warm milk your immune system improve
So I want to know whether it is mith or true
I’m concerned about chemicals that may be in the plastic wrap. Is there any alternative?
I haven’t tried this yet and am no expert by any means but am assuming the plastic wrap is mostly to keep the castor oil from getting on your other stuff?
I am using a silicon baking sheet to cover the castor oil pack. The sheet is reusable and made to be in higher temperatures. I feel better about not using plastic wrap with the pack. So to clarify I put the oil on my belly, then the flanel, the cookie sheet, the electric blanket and then I wrap myself in an old towel to keep everything in place. Once all done I like to read a book to relax.
I have a question about reusing the pack – are we meant to be re-saturating the ‘pack’ with fresh oil each time we use it? Or do you just reapply oil as needed?
These are great instructions! I love castor oil packs. Do you ever take it internally? I am considering it but not sure about it.