Sex isn’t supposed to hurt. Not even a little bit. But many women operate under the assumption that sometimes painful sex is NORMAL.

Nope it’s not. Sex is mean’t to be awesome!! All.the.time.

Yet…3 out of 4 women will experience painful sex at some point in their lives.

That’s 75% of us ladies!

For some of us, it’s a temporary situation but for others it’s an ongoing pain in the “you know what”.

Here’s my advice…

  1. If it is temporary – like you’ve come off the pill, then you of course want to address the root cause of the imbalance.
  2. If it is ongoing (as in lasting more than 6 months), I strongly suggest you speak to your doctor, and then find a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist (yes, they exist), and get a diagnosis as soon as possible. There are a number of reasons you might experience painful sex, like vulvodynia, vaginismus, endometriosis or another condition. Or maybe you’ve been in an accident and hurt your tailbone – it’s all connected and a pelvic PT can help!

I’ve had to deal with painful sex on many occasions. Have you?

When I was on the pill, and for what seemed like an eternity after coming off of it, I REALLY struggled. I used to think maybe my boyfriend would mistake my winces of pain for sexy lusty looks of pure enjoyment.

Mmm nah, not so much. LOL

I’ve heard a similar version of my story from countless women…

Sex hurts when on hormonal birth control and after they come off of it, they have vaginal dryness, they’re not lubricating, orgasms are becoming more elusive, or they’re nowhere near as powerful as they used to be.

To add insult to injury, more than 50% of women report periods of low sex drive.

While this is typical of women in perimenopause and menopause, about 20% of women under 35 report low sex drive lasting more than a month!!

And you can bet these are under-reported numbers, because for reals how many of you are actually telling your doctor that sex hurts, or that you’d rather be looking at pictures of Kylie’s baby than doing the deed.

I’d say we’ve got a bit of an epidemic on our hands, don’t ya think?

This is where my super smart doctor friend Dr. Anna Cabeca comes in. She’s a genius OB/GYN, who’s answered the prayers of many women by creating a product for painful sex, low sex drive, dried out vaginas, lackluster orgasms, and even those mortifying urine leaks (by the way, this issue affects LOTS of younger women too – think 10% of women under age 35 who have NEVER given birth!).

It’s called Julva.

Naturally, I like to call it Julva for your vulva. Because, how can I not.


But seriously, this is a magic potion for your vagina. A vaginal fountain of youth. A dream cream for your vag.

Okay, you get the point. Sorry…couldn’t resist.

What is Julva?

It’s uniquely formulated with DHEA (the precursor hormone to estrogen and testosterone), alpine rose stem cells, coconut oil, vitamin E, Emu oil, and shea butter….minus the toxins that are typically found in these kinds of creams. You can read more about the ingredients here.

DHEA – I like to call this the “fountain of youth hormone”, because it declines as we age. As I said, it’s a precursor to estrogen and testosterone, the primary drivers of lubrication and libido respectively. When DHEA goes down, the two L’s go down with it. While Julva certainly isn’t a fix for underlying hormonal imbalances, it sure does help make things in the sex department a whole lot better.

Applying DHEA topically will not change blood levels of the hormone DHEA in your body. Once you stop using the product, the effects of it will stop. It should not affect your period or fertility BUT it is important to check with your doctor first before trying it, and pay attention to any changes that occur with your cycle while using Julva. I share my experience on that below.

Ultimately, what you get is a soothing, repairing, and rejuvenating topical cream for your lady parts. Watch Dr. Anna’s video to learn more. b

It’s amazing for you if:

  • You’ve recently come off the pill and have low sex drive, vaginal dryness, sex hurts etc.
  • Your sex drive is low, you’re having issues with lubrication, penetration is painful, you’re not in the mood (rarely or ever), it takes you ages to get “into the mood”, or your orgasms just aren’t what they used to be.
  • You’re postpartum and your hormones and sex drive are loooowwww. (Before using Julva, please consult with your doctor if you are breastfeeding).
  • You’re entering that perimenopause or menopause stage and your libido, sex and orgasms are just not the same.

One woman’s proclamation…”my vagina is 20 again!”

I am with her! I’ve been using it since last year, and I can tell you this stuff will uplevel your sex drive, sensation and orgasms like nothing else. I tell all my friends and clients about Julva because it has been such a game changer for me. As in, I went through a phase where I could take it or leave it. Now, I’m psyched for sex 2-3 weeks out of the month. And I haven’t needed to use lube for MANY months!

Here’s the best news – Dr. Cabeca is giving away a FREE 7-day trial of Julva to YOU.

All you have to do is pay $4.95 for shipping. I am soooo excited for you to give Julva a chance to bring your va va voom back.

Please make sure to read my disclaimer below, and consult with your doctor before trying Julva. One month I experienced a longer cycle (my period came 4 days late), which is unusual for me. But aside from that, I have not had any other side effects.

A Natural Lubricant For Vaginal Dryness

Another natural solution for vaginal dryness is a lubricant called SYLK.  SYLK is the only moisturizing lubricant made from 100% purified natural New Zealand kiwi vine extract.

If you give SYLK a try, you can get free shipping when you use coupon code PERIODGIRL.