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November 2, 2020

Unleash the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle for Healing and Well Being

with podcast guest

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer


This episode is brought to you by LetsGetChecked, the leading provider of at-home health tests. If you are curious about your hormones but don’t have the time to visit a doctor’s office then you can order your female hormone test kit directly from www.letsgetchecked.com. Let’s Get Checked is inviting Period Party listeners to join their community with 20% off all test kits using code hormones20.

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer are the co-directors of Red School, where they teach women about their radical approach to women’s health and well-being, creativity, leadership, and spiritual life, based on the power of the menstrual cycle. Published authors and experts in the field of women’s well-being and spirituality, their most recent book is Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power.

In this episode, we talk about the power of the menstrual cycle, why you should start following your cycle, how to start a cycle awareness practice, the phases of the menstrual cycle and the associated tendencies, and so much more!


  • How Alexandra’s severe menstrual pain led her to learn about the power of the menstrual cycle
  • Alexandra’s experience with teaching women about their menstrual cycle at a time when nobody else was talking about it
  • How to start following your cycle
  • The benefits of following your cycle and understanding what your body needs
  • Why you should start giving yourself 1% of what your body needs
  • The one thing women need to do to access and live to the full power of her menstrual cycle
  • What is menstrual cycle awareness and how do you start the practice?
  • The phases of the menstrual cycle and the associated tendencies
  • How to plan your life in line with your cycle


Want even more hormone and
period lovin' content?

You shouldn’t live in fear that you’ll be dealing with hellish symptoms forever. Suffering does not have to be a mandatory part of your journey – you have the power to bring about big change for yourself and begin a new chapter in your period story.

Take the quiz to unveil the real cause of your symptoms and start your journey toward periods that are “no big deal.”

Bonuses Include: The Fix Your Period Workbook to Use Alongside the Book
The Fix Your Period Toolkit includes a series of handouts on vaginal steaming, how to use CBD for your menstrual cycle problems, seed cycling, how to use castor oil packs to support your period and fertility, and how to live in harmony with your cycle!

Lara Briden

Mastering Metabolic Health

Dr. Lara Briden is a renowned naturopathic doctor and bestselling author of “Period Repair Manual,” “Hormone Repair Manual,” and her latest book, “Metabolism Repair for

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Information in this post and on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of practice experience and research by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always speak with your physician or another healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my affiliate disclosure.