Ah, melatonin…

…the hormone responsible for regulating your circadian rhythm and helping you fall asleep at night.😴⁠

Melatonin supplements have become super popular in recent times due to our fast-paced, hectic, artificial light–flooded lives.

However, giving yourself a large dose of melatonin isn’t the same as having a healthy circadian rhythm and naturally regulated melatonin levels.⁠

I said it, sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏻‍♀️⁠

Your circadian rhythm, aka the sleep/wake cycle, is governed by darkness, and both natural (sunlight ☀️ & moonlight 🌑) and unnatural (screens) light exposure.⁠

Overexposure to crazy amounts of blue light from computers, smartphones, and TVs reduces your body’s ability to produce melatonin, which can seriously mess with your sleep.⁠ Bummer!⁠

This is especially the case when artificial light is used in the evening and before bed, when our bodies are naturally winding down.⁠

Here’s the thing: your sleep/wake cycle is intricately connected to your menstrual cycle.⁠🩸⁠😮⁠

Low Melatonin is linked to:⁠
💡A lack of ovulation⁠
💡Infertility ⁠
💡And even chronic pelvic pain in endometriosis ⁠

Large amounts of melatonin can:⁠
💡Delay or even prevent ovulation⁠
💡Potentially change the timing of your menstrual cycle ⁠
💡Stop your cycle altogether⁠

Too little or too much melatonin can do a number on your cycle—so prioritizing sleep, *rather than running to supplementation*, so you can produce your OWN melatonin is über important.⁠ ⁠

Follow the tips in this image to start optimizing your circadian rhythm and give your body the best chance at falling asleep + staying asleep. 💤⁠ ⁠

Want a deeper dive? Check out Week Five in my book, Fix Your Period!