Can antibiotics affect your period?
When antibiotics are prescribed and taken, they can have an impact on your menstrual cycle, even if they were not prescribed specifically for an infection of the reproductive system. i.e urinary tract infections, bacterial infections and some yeast infections.
Antibiotics can affect your menstrual cycle in two ways:
It’s important to note that antibiotics appear to raise estrogen for some women, and lower it for others. This is what I’ve seen in my work with women. FYI, typically estrogen is broken down in the liver, then moved to the digestive tract, and released from the body through bowel movements. It’s also released in the urine.
Effect #1: Antibiotics can lower estrogen levels
Most antibiotics are metabolized by the liver, the same place that estrogen (and progesterone) are metabolized. Antibiotic use can speed up estrogen metabolization by the liver, which may reduce the available estrogen in the blood stream. This can be problematic especially if they are taken in the first half of the cycle as estrogen is building, in preparation for ovulation. If there is a lack of estrogen, this can cause either delayed ovulation or cause an anovulatory cycle (which is a cycle in which a woman does not ovulate).
When ovulation is delayed or it doesn’t happen at all, this will delay your period, or it may not come at all during that cycle.
This is the reason why you should always use a backup method of birth control if you take antibiotics while on the birth control pill. Basically, antibiotics speed up the excretion of the ethinyl estradiol (synthetic estrogen) in your pill, and as a result you may ovulate. This is because estrogens suppress FSH, which is needed to prepare the follicles for ovulation.
There is also inconclusive evidence that antibiotics may affect progestin (the synthetic progesterone in some pills), which could also contribute to the risk of birth control failure while taking antibiotics.
So be safe and use backup birth control while taking these drugs, and for a week afterwards. Just my cautionary two cents! 🙂
Additionally, many antibiotics cause diarrhea which in turn increases excretion of estrogen from the body.
Effect #2: Antibiotics can disrupt the estrobolome
Antibiotics have an impact on the gut bacteria – they will kill the opportunistic bacteria but unfortunately they’ll also take down the good ones too. More accurately, antibiotics disrupt the estrobolome, which is a specific group of microbes that determine how estrogen is utilized in the body.
In people with healthy microbiomes, the estrobolome bacteria easily break down the estrogen that the liver sends to the gut allowing the body to dispose of it. But when the estrobolome becomes compromised, the broken down estrogen metabolites can be turned back into active estrogens which are then reabsorbed into the blood stream, creating estrogen dominance.
The thing is, when estrogen levels change in the blood, it affects pituitary gland function. The pituitary gland secretes FSH and LH (the hormones that stimulate the ovaries to mature and release an egg) based on the level of estrogen in your blood.
If your estrogen is too low or too high, your brain gets the wrong signal and doesn’t produce the right amounts of FSH and LH. This misfiring will totally mess with your body’s ability to ovulate when it’s supposed to, and lead to an early or late period in many cases.
Scientific evidence of antibiotics’ effect on your period
Keep in mind, studies done on this subject have all been inconclusive but I’ve seen this anecdotally in my work for many years.
It’s also helpful to keep in mind that you’re taking antibiotics because you’re likely sick or have had some kind of surgery. This is very stressful for the body. When you’re sick or have had surgery, you might experience a delay in ovulation and subsequently a delayed period.
Your body basically considers these times unsafe to get pregnant, so you might not release an egg. I know it seems counter-intuitive, like why the heck is my body not working, but it’s actually doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. That is, not having a baby when there is potential danger.
What Can I Do To Fix These Issues Caused by Antibiotics?
First of all, I am not telling you to avoid taking your prescription. If you must take antibiotics, I recommend a few things.
- Eat 1-2 tbsp of fermented foods like sauerkraut or kim-chi every day during your course of medication, and for a few weeks afterwards.
- Drink 8 ounces of bone broth (preferably home-made) every day during the course of your antibiotics. This will help heal and seal your gut lining and mitigate any damage the antibiotics might do. If you can’t make it yourself, then I recommend Kettle & Fire Chicken or Beef Bone Broth.
- Take a prebiotic and a probiotic during the course of your prescription and for a period of time after you’ve taken the antibiotics. I highly recommend MegaPre Precision Prebiotic and Megasport Probiotic. The company that makes these products, Microbiome Labs, has a ton of excellent research to support the use of their products. I use them myself and with my clients and they are highly effective at repopulating the gut.
You can find both of these supplements in my Post-Antibiotics Protocol in my Supplement Dispensary.
You will be prompted to create a username and password and then you’ll be directed to the protocol with the products and dosage instructions. You’ll get 15% off every order and free shipping on orders over $50 in the USA.
170 thoughts on “Put down the Z-Pak! The effect of antibiotics on your period.”
Honestly, I feel like the interaction between antibiotics, periods and contraception needs some more looking into, because I’ve had very out of the ordinary spotting and cramping while on the pill and it began the moment I got started on antibiotics, and stopped as soon as I got off them. I’ve been 2 years on the pill, never had breakthrough bleeding or spotting, and when I looked into it, I mainly found articles completely denying the possibility of antibiotics causing this, AND a bunch of anecdotal references of people saying they’ve experienced this very thing. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure the antibiotics must be linked, because they were prescribed to me a whole week after I had a minor surgical procedure done (wisdom tooth removal) and the whole first week post-op being on nolotil I experienced absolutely nothing strange with my period. It honestly scares me to see that this medication could potentially put me at risk of an unwanted pregnancy, as could happen to anyone that has experienced this, and to find no warning about it anywhere, even my doctor recommended I use condoms after I told her my symptoms, but it would’ve been much appreciated to be warned about this beforehand, I even searched the prospect top to bottom and didn’t find even a single reference to a possible interference with the pill.
What if u take probiotics with it? I’ve took a very good brand of probiotics the entire time with pre biotics in it, and my period is still over a week late? So does probiotics really help?
So glad I found this thread, recently been on antibiotics for a bad UTI and period was delayed 5 days
I had my last period in July 21 and took antibiotics around august 21 and got no period at all now it’s October 1 still no period. I seriously thought I was suddenly in menopause as I’m in my 40s. But then looked at calendar and saw when I took antibiotics and decided to Google this does it affect period and found this discussion! I was going to go get another dose but won’t now. I hope my period will come back but I at least didn’t get hormonal migraines which I get with periods. Still, I’m annoyed the doctors don’t warn women about this!
After how long you get your period
I came here to find answers because I get my period like clock work every month either right on the dot or a day later. I took a zpack 2 days before my period was supposed to start and it is now 5 days late. Go to look for answers and almost everywhere it says that antibiotics can’t do anything to your period. Well that’s a lie!
Woo, I’m glad I found this article (I read your book yay!) I really feel for everyone with a uterus. I have fibroids, menhorragia, whatever whatever- I’m cursed with a super heavy period every month. In June I had not one but 2 bacterial infections in my throat (from paddle boarding on some dirty ass water!!) And was prescribed 2 doses of azithromycin. My period in July was absolutely INSANE. It was heavier than normal which is way too much, and also just spotted forever, went away, came back, for almost three weeks. Hemoglobin went from 12.7 to a 10, had to get iron infusions as a result. Really hoping that August is not as bad and I’ll be able to pinpoint the antibiotics as a direct source of this insanity. Keep your heads up everyone, and treat yourself very well!!!
I’m in the same boat. Went through 2 rounds of antibiotics last month and my period was early, super heavy and I’ve been feeling very emotional and hormonal since then. Did your period and hormones get back to normal? Do you remember how long it took? Just starting feeling a little desperate here.
I was on antibiotics for BV which I didn’t even know I had. After a week on antibiotics I ended up with terrible diarrhoea for a week and thrush, despite taking probiotics! My period started when it was due but is very light. I’m on day 3 and still no need for a tampon so nothing like normal. Wondering if this is perhaps due to the antibiotics?! I had this before in September after being in hospital, having surgery and being pumped full of antibiotics.. I’m not complaining though, I wish all my periods were this light!! No chance I’m pregnant as haven’t had sex for more than 1mo and other period before this was fine.
Exact same story here !
Did your period get back to normal the following month ?
Had unprotected sex four days after my usual 7 day period. Got a UTI and started taking Cipro for it 4 days later. 2 days after starting Cipro I believed I ovulated (stretchy cm) and then 2 days after ovulating I had 2 days of spotting. Assuming this is due to the Cipro?? I have had intense breast pain since the day I believe I ovulated and it is currently 7 dpo.
I started Cipro 24 hours ago, am in late stages Peri-Menopause, have not had a period since November (10 mos); start Cipro and am having light period blood! Was concerned until I saw this article. I’m taking Cipro too!!
I am experiencing delayed periods with spotting. So when the period is supposed to start I see small drops of blood for up to 5days then my experiencing comes for 3-4 days even though a normal period for me is about 5 days and it was always on time. All this started 3 months ago when I got prescribed 3 packs of 500mg ampiclox for a boil. I am super stressed out about it but finding these explanations and experiences of other women is very helpful.
THANK YOU! It is clear you have done research and that periods CAN BE affected by antibiotics! This is the only verification I can find on the subject! I am on doxycycline and experiencing a late period. For both of my pregnancies I had to take progesterone supplements for the first trimester to maintain my pregnancies, otherwise I would have miscarried. Do you think low progesterone could exacerbate this interaction?
I was on the same antibiotic and my period is 3 days late and I have used protection. Everything I have looked up said that antibiotic won’t effect it. This is the only place I have found it will and then your comment and it was the same antibiotic for me
I took metronidazole (flagyl) tablet for a bv infection I thought I had, for a week and twice daily now my period is 2 days late which never happens and I’ve always had protected sex. I’m so scared
Same, but im 3 days late, I had my last period end of the first week of December, I haven’t seen anyone so theres no chance of being prego. …I hate that all the other info on google said there’s zero effect on periods. they do this all the time with mostly everything when it comes to the study and effect on women’s menstral cycle. they did it with the covid vaccines until they had to come clean due to all the women who were reporting it messed with their cycle.
Hi so my periods usually come on time give or take a day or two early/late, however I have been issued with penicillin for tonsillitis. I have been on this antibiotic for 3 weeks and I have had 2 periods within that time.
My first period since starting the antibiotic, my breasts and especially my areolas became MASSIVE. I’m not exactly flat-chested but my boobs are not what I would say at a size to be considered “busty”. Period when it came 2 days earlier than planned was heavy and extremely painful but it ended after 5 days which is normal for me.
However, for about a day (period is due on Saturday 19 September) I have been getting increasing pain in my back, pelvis, frequent going to the toilet (both numbers 1 and 2), feeling sick, stomach being noisy, flatulence and pain that feels like period pain, but when I do my period check (wiping myself with toilet paper to check for blood – done at times when I either expect my period or when I get pain that feels like it) there is nothing there; and when I have a feel around with my fingers *down there* there is some sort of tacky pink-brown discharge that looks like it’s from the end of a period but there’s very little of it..
I’m not pregnant and have never had sex. I do take thyroid hormone replacement medication (levothyroxine/liothyronine) but it’s not at a dose that’s been causing me any problems and I’ve been on that dose since mid August. Odd!
Hello, Thank you for sharing this. I am 4 days late on my period, something that has never happened before. I decided to take a pregnancy test just for precaution, even though I know I’ve been careful with my partner. The 2 test were negative so I didn’t know what it could be until I though about the antibiotics I took for a uti I got two weeks ago. Yes, they are very harsh on the body! I’m a little relieved to know this could be the reason for my period delay. I’m definitely going to the doc to confirm that there is no other causes.
Hi, I’m 26 and Covid positive for over a month now. Unfortunately, I’ve been prescribed Z-pak twice and now on a different antibiotic. At the beginning I started getting a thick white discharge didn’t think anything about it. But now I have a light itch and slight discomfort, I’m on my period and it hurts a lot when I insert and take out a tampon. I’m wondering can it be all the antibiotics I’m taking?
Also, taking medication for seizure.
What happened did your period stop I’ve had Covid and started having a period again with taking strong antibiotics. What was your outcome I follow up with my doctor in 2 weeks. Thanks
My period is two days late which is unusual and I’m currently on ciprofloxacin medication
My period is usually 26-28 days but now its two days late
My period is two days late which is unusual and I’m currently on ciprofloxacin medication
My period is usually 26-28 days but now its three days late
Last year in the space of 6wks (over april and may 2019) i was prescribed 3 types of antibiotics. Metrodizanole for bv, lymecycline for acne and then another type (unsure of name) for a chest infection.
After that i have never been the same with my periods (its now march 2020)
Started with random bleeding and spotting/bloody discharge, then 2 periods a month (from june 2019 to october 2019) along with cramps, painful breasts and a crampy vagina 24/7 after that and odd spotting after sex
Ive had scans, countless gynae trips, examinations and nobody can find anything wrong.
All this started when i took them antibiotics.
During examinations, a harmless leison on my liver was found which they say is from child birth, but im convinced its from the antibiotics and recently learnt liver breakdown of hormones can affect you with things like menstrual issues.
Its started to calm down january 2020, then got put back on to amoxicillin for dental issues in march 2020.. and boom, bad cramps and painful breasts constantly, with blood streaked discharge, a painful
vagina, not to mention thrush.
Ive tried explaining my link to antibiotics but no health professional will accept my theory.
My last gynae appt, i got told that its just that some women have problems with no obvious reason.
I honestly believe antibiotics has ruined my life due to long lasting effects.
I have a gyna follow up april 29/2020 (providing the uk’s outbreak of covid-19 doesnt prevent me from going) and im again going to explain how i believe antibiotics has messed me up.
Feel free to comment if you are experiencing a simlar thing.. i know how stressful this gets with no explanation. 🙁
I was on three antibiotics in a span of 2 months for UTIs. My period now is happening every two weeks. And lasting so far 10 days. And counting. Terrible that the doctors don’t take what you say seriously.
For sure antibiotics have messed you up. They do the same to me. Everything goes wild, my periods, spotting, skin,etc …Doctors ” defend” their antibiotics.
You can do a program that sets you back to a normal self and life.
I read CLEAN GUT ( by Alejandro Junger) and did his program ( I bought all same ingredients at same dosage off Amazon to be cheaper)
It balanced everything. 😌
Hey Andy, how long does it take for your cycle to normalize again? I typically have a regular cycle, and for the first time antibiotics have really thrown it off! My period started while on the meds, and I spotted for 5 more days afterwards. Then My next cycle was about a week late. About normal length, and now 2 weeks later, I’m bleeding again. So frustrating!
I’m 42 always had healthy cycles and since my dentist put me on Amoxicillin and some other antibiotic starting with the letter “M”, my cycles are a MESS! First of all my first cycle after taking it came 15 days later and it wasn’t even a normal cycle. It was pink blood. Then spotting wouldn’t stop and as it FINALLY stopped for 5 days I had an EXTREMELY heavy period, which also lasts longer, I’m on day 5 now. . . NEVER EVER will I take this s. . .t again in my life! I’m anxious anyways and I don’t need that at ALL! I’m crying all the time and feel MISERABLE!
I’m 42 as well and I have a very similar situation to yours! I was on Doxycycline for a sinus infection about a month ago. Strangely my period wasn’t late that month, but it was very short, only 3 days long. And it was mostly pink blood, like yours. Now nearly a month later I’m pretty sure I’ve got it again, but it’s 6 days early is already a heavier flow than last month. I can’t think of what else it could be. I’ve got all the PMS symptoms – headache, water weight gain, swollen and tender breasts, plus the emotional symptoms. I guess it’s making up for being barely there last month?
Thank you for the article and everyone sharing their stories! Really puts my mind at ease. I started Azithromycin on 1/7/20, and started spotting several day’s later and still have not stopped (in the meantime, have had to go on a second round on antibiotics- doxycycline this time, due to a particularly nasty bug). I was not concerned at first as some mid-cycle spotting is not unusual for me, but it has been going on for sooo long! And now I think I’m staring my actual period…. ?
I believe I had some crazy long spotting with azithromycin as well!
Put down the Z-Pak! The effect of antibiotics on your period.
I do not even know how I ended up here, however I assumed this post
was great. I do not realize who you’re but certainly you are going to a famous blogger should you are
not already. Cheers!-
Hi! I got my wisdom teeth out about a month ago and they put me on an antibiotic for a week. I usually stay away from antibiotics, but took them in this case. I have Paraguard, and my period has been very consistent on it for years. I’ve had spotting/ my period for over a week and a half now which is very unusual for me. Possibly due to antibiotics?
Hi I just got my first period and I was wondering if you new if medicine for a ear infection could cause you not to have any blood sometimes?
I too have a paraguard and have done for on and off for 12yrs in total, with no problems. And think antibiotics has messed me up massively. (If u care to read my story a few comments up Tara 10 march 2020.)
Paraguard got blamed for months until docs admitted it wasnt my coil
Genuinely believe antibiotics are behind most menstrual issues most poor women have.
Hope yours resolves soon.x
Whoops, accidentally commented as a reply. I just want to say this post, especially the comments section, helped my anxiety a lot. I had taken Macrobid for one day and stopped as I got really sick off of it. My body hasn’t been right ever since. I just had a period a few weeks before taking it, but got another one the day after, which doctors had originally chalked up to breakthrough bleeding. I of course did not get my period again when I was supposed to so I figured that bleeding was probably my period and had my app recalculate when my next one should be. Even after this, I was over a week late, very anxious, having pregnancy symptoms. I took a test and it was negative and got my period the next day. Doctors never say anything about the effects of antibiotics on your reproductive system and it’s awful. It has changed my entire cycle, all of my period symptoms, added to my severe anxiety, and led to significant weight loss as well. Never again. I will be starting d-mannose pills for my chronic UTIs in hopes that I will never have to take antibiotics ever again. I don’t wish this upon anyone and I’m posting in hopes that someone else will be eased by hearing this, as I was by hearing all of your testimonies.
Thanks, this was helpful. I get hormonal cold sores and the only thing that works is taking an antiviral but I’ve been noticing that it’s messing with my cycle. I took a large dose on day 4 of my period. A week later and I’m not bleeding but still sore breasts and water retention as if I’m pmsing. Havent yet ovulated. Anyway, thank you!
What are your thoughts about azithromycin and mens hormones?
I have post finasteride syndrome. It has destroyed my life for the past 8 years. I’ve lost everything.. I feel like an alien totally disconnected from life.. like I’m watching a movie though a clouded lens. it’s crushed my sex drive, my finances , my business, my iq and my will to go on
In 2015 I had to take azithro ( 30 days ) for a lung infection and after 2 weeks some kind of switch turned on.. I started feeling normal again. By the time I was finished I thought for sure I was cured of pfs.. after a few months everything reverted back to this horrible situation. Ive tried progesterone, testosterone, pregnenolone, etc.. but nothing has made me feel as good as azithro.. not even close.
I’ve been trying to balance out my minerals via hair testing and making progress in some areas.. but after 15 months on this program I’m ready to go back on add azithro. Even just a low dose every few days just to see if I can get my neurosteroids at a level where I can feel human again .. thoughts?
I started taking Zpack for a sinus infection .. I got my period the same day I took the pill .. my periods usually last 3-5 days .. but I had missed a period before taking the medication .. so I was thankful it came & didn’t suspect that the pill has caused me to get it .. I’ve now had my period for 6 days and I’ve been spotting for 3 days & I am starting to get concerned .. I had taken the birth control shot years ago and it completely messed up my body .. I didn’t get a period for 3 months, then I was spotting/ got my period for 5 months straight .. I’m scared the Zpack I’ve taken has triggered some type of hormone imbalance, the last time this happened the amount of time I had my period for was very concerning .. I’m praying I stop spotting soon .. this article was very helpful. Although I hate to hear other women also struggle with mensural issues due to antibiotics, it’s helped me feel not so alone.
This is happening to me right now. I had wisdom teeth out last week & they gave me amoxicillan. I started spotting within days & now have a full blown period. I also got a rash from the antibiotic & had to take benadryl. Like you I was on the depo shot last year that screwed my whole system up. I was never not bleeding & it all came to a head in August 2019 where I lost so much blood I had 2 blood transfusions. The put me on a birth control pill & I’ve been fine ever since. Now I’m pissed & nervous I’m bleeding like this again. I too am worried it’s thrown me back off. Will I ever stop bleeding? Does it take for the antibiotics to get out my system or do I need to start the pills over again? Did you ever go back to normal & stop bleeding? My last day on the antibiotics was Monday & today is Thursday, I took them for about 5 days.
I was diagnosed with chlamydia and prescribed Azithromycin. The day I took the Azithromycin I got my period.. will the antibiotic still work or can I get the chlamydia again from my own period?
Thank you Nicole! I started Amoxicillin for a Sinus Infection and got my period 5 days into the day 10s of antibiotics (on the Full Moon which is normal for me). Now I am waiting a month later for my next period and so far it’s 6 days late. Glad I googled this possibility and found your article!
I’ve tried drinking hot water with Apple Cider Vinegar can bring your period on. Also I have been doing Oil Pulling for 9 months now and it has balanced my hormones! My cycle is in sync with the moon and I get less cramps. I am 33 yrs old.
This explains a lot more than I’ve been able to find. Every time I’m on amoxicillin it inevitably starts my period. I’ve mentioned this effect to nurses and doctors alike and they just tell me that isn’t a side effect of the pills and brush me off. But after the last 4 times being on it, and having a period early each time (once even immediately after just having it normally) it can’t just be coincidence. Thank you
When EVER I take the Zpack I always end up with my period a few days in or a few days after. I also have PCOS, so my periods are wonky, but Z pack never fails to trigger my period.
I was put on Keflex for 10 days for strep throat, and I’m on Tarina FE. About 2 or 3 days into the antibiotics my mood took a nose dive (being on the pill has helped regulate my hormones tenfold) and now, on day 7, I’n having breakthrough bleeding which I haven’t had once in my entire time on the pill. I’m almost sure there’s some correlation because things have never been this bad before.
I am on Nexplanon and I took a Z PAC. I started it on on Wednesday, got my period on Saturday and finished my Zpac on Sunday. I never get my periods as I am on Nexplanon and it has pretty much taken it away completely, only some spotting very rarely. But this is more than just spotting, I am actually passing more than just spotting. It is now Wednesday of the following week- and I’m still have my period. It must be due to the zpac, right?
I’m having the same thing, except no period for 4 years due high prolactin. Was on IV antibiotics and a round at home. Got a period and it freaked me out! Glad happened to someone else to.
Does Rodogyl affect periods I had a breakthrough more like spotting
Hey , mid August I had 2 round of local anaesthetic and Gyno procedure. (Batholen cyst) shortly after I got a virus and then a irinary tract infection, my cycle has been over 50 days now and my FSH abs LH are through the roof 146 post menopause! I’m 36 and had regular cycle up to the point of surgery and Antibiotics. I think I am ovulating at the moment – lower dull ache for a few days and some small spotting – any ideas?
Omg me too I haven’t have a period in since February it’s may now and I took antibiotics in October for BV and I feel like I’m going through menopause! Did the doctors tell you you are going through menopause? I’m worried because I’m 19 no family yet.
I had my last period in July 21 and took antibiotics around august 21 and got no period at all now it’s October 1 still no period. I seriously thought I was suddenly in menopause as I’m in my 40s. But then looked at calendar and saw when I took antibiotics and decided to Google this does it affect period and found this discussion! I was going to go get another dose but won’t now
Did your period come back yet?
Similar thing here
Please update
You are wonderful! Thank you so much for a wonderfully informative article about menstruation and antibiotics. I’m an early pathology researcher and even my own pubmed digging was not nearly as informative as your writing, and I’m very thankful for the recommended-course-of-action comments at the bottom.
10:15 am
Thanks, Nicole! I’ve been on Minocycline for 3 weeks to clear up a persistent case of perioral dermatitis. My period came on time but it’s been weird. Bright red blood, which is fine, but huge clots. Totally new for me. Are clots also a side effect of antibiotics? I’ve been opting for tampons over Diva cup for past year because I feel like my insides are taking the shape of the cup. But with the clots, should I just go back to the cup? Thanks for advice! <3
I have recently had a wisdom tooth extraction and was prescribed Amoxicillin for only 5 days. But now that the course has been completed my period has come over a week early. This is not normal for me at all as I’m usually really regular and can nearly predict exactly when my periods will come. I just really hope this hasn’t started a chain of irregular periods :/
I had a hunch that maybe the antibiotics could have caused it so I’m glad at least now I have a reason and don’t need to worry so much!
I got my wisdom teeth out last week, and was also prescribed Amoxicillin! I am on my last day and I have just had some breakthrough bleeding??
Not to mention weird, vivid dreams, and being very unsettled mentally.
Such a bummer. Hope recovery is well
Ahhh I was looking for this comment!! I just stopped taking amoxicillin and got breakthrough bleeding and was so worried haha
I just had a wisdom tooth pulled, and took the antibiotics. My period also came 1 week early. If I have wisdom teeth pulled again, I think I will skip the antibiotics.
The same exact thing is happening to me now. I haven’t had period in months due to my birth control pills, which is what want because of blood loss in the past. I have more teeth to come out but I’m not taking those antibiotics again. Did your period every get back to normal?
Hey Guys, I am 21 years old, not sexually active. I took Co amoxicalv in the beginning of June 2018. My periods were absolutely regular and fine before that. I got my period on 30th June (Almost 14 days late) and the menstrual flow is very very low. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I am pretty worried. what could be the reason for all this?
Hi, im experiencing the same, and i also really need an answer, so i want to ask, that did your flow got back to usual at your next period?
Hi ladies. I came across this article when I was experiencing a delay in period AFTER taking antibiotics (Co-Amoxiclav). I was really worried because my period was delayed for about 11 days!! I took 2 pregnancy tests to be sure — both came back negative. Just today, my period finally came, with the usual painful cramps. I guess it’s safe to say that some antibiotics really affect your menstrual cycle.
Im really hoping that is what happens to me. Im 9 days late and im really regular. But i took z-pak for a bad cold. Praying i too get my period soon!!
I have taken birth control since I was 13. I am 35 now and never missed a period… until now. I was prescribed a z pack for my flu/pneumonia. I stated taking it on Saturday. Monday or Tuesday is when I get my period and it still has not come. I took one pregnancy test and got negative but I’m going to the doctors on Tuesday just to make sure. It’s freaking me out
I must say reading both your article and comments have helped me a lot.
Week before I was due to my period, I was diagnosed with UTI and prescribed Cefalexin 500mg (7 days treatment). I’ve finished my treatment two days ago. I’ve never had regular menstrual cycles but they were varied by a maximum of 2-3 days.
I’m 6 days late at the moment, and even though I took two pregnancy tests (both negative), I’m scared I could get pregnant before I was diagnosed with UTI. Could the fact that I was taking this particular antibiotic delay my period?
I just got finished recovering from a severe case of ecoli. I was on antibiotics and a bunch of other medications and now my period has been 3-4 days late. Is that normal??
Hi, I’m 18 and i have been on BC (yasminelle) for 5 months now. About two weeks ago i got my expected period during my 7 day break (on a thursday) and i went to the doctor on the tuesday complaining of a kidney infection, and it turns out i had a UTI so i was put on antibiotics for 5 days (i can’t remember the name) but the kidney infection was still there when i ended the course, so i was put on another antibiotic (keflex) for 7days and i’m pretty sure it’s still not gone. But the thing that is worrying me is that i am still bleeding from that thursday mentioned above, almost three weeks ago. This kind of thing happened me before around two years ago where i bled for about a month on my first month of dianette, but i have had no problems with yasminelle so far until now. I am wondering if the antibiotics i was taking could have caused this? amd should i be worried about it? I have also been failing very faint and dizzy lately and almost fainted last week – could this have something to do with blood loss? also this three week ‘period’ is not excessively heavy, it is a moderate amount of bright red bleeding. It is freaking me out because every time i look it up it mentions things like ovarian cysts and ectopic pregnancy so i need some closure! Thank you.
Im on mirena have been for about 2 years my periods usually come like every 5 or 6 weeks and its only 2 days of spotting. Well i got a lower respiratory infection and was prescribed amoxicillin 2 times a day for a week and now its been almost 2 weeks and ive had my period with light to moderate on and off.
I took a z-pack recently while I was fighting covid. Two days after finishing the z-pack (I took it towards the end of my period), I had a discharge-like consistency period (sorta) it only lasted about two days. Would a z-pack effect me this way, even if I’m not on birth control? I message my gyno with my symptoms and she said it shouldn’t have caused bleeding unless I was on birth control. I’ve taken three pregnancy tests and they’ve all been negative, even though I know it would be too early to tell. I’m just worried that what I experienced was implantation bleeding and not z-pack induced. My period was Sep. 8-12, I started the z-pack Sep 13 and bled (discharge-consistency) sep 20- sep 21.
Hi Nicole! I just wanted to say this is the most informative post I have read on the topic. I am normally a 28-32 day cycle. I had to take amoxicillin for a dental procedure day 3-10 and have only ovulated on day 34 this month confirmed with ovulation strip. The body amazes me everyday! <3
Glad to read these comments because I was on an antibiotic last week for kidney and uti issues. St the end of my medicine I noticed I was feeling hormonal shifts. I’m on bc pill so my husband and I used condoms in addition to the bc pill just to be safe but ever since I finished the antibiotic my breast’s have been sore and I was having muscle pain in my arms (hormonal I know) and anxiety. I don’t think I’m pregnant and have a week left of bc pills before my period. This is making me feel better reading these stories. Thanks!
Hi Nicole,
Thank you so much for this post and your website. I stumbled upon it, right when I needed it. My husband and I just started TTC. I have had what I thought were pregnancy symptoms, along with being 6 days late. I took three HPT, all tested negative and then had an HCG blood test drawn this morning- came back negative. I have never been more than a day or two late ever, so this has been very confusing. My typical cycle is usually 26 days, period length usually 2-3days. I ovulated way later than expected on CD 18. I started thinking about the possible explanations and decided that the only thing out of the ordinary is I had Bronchitis that lasted a month and a half and was put on a Z-pack on 4-11-17. After reading this, it makes perfect sense why I ovulated late and why my cycle is now delayed. I am going to request an HCG Quantitative in a week or two if I still haven’t started my period, just to be sure. Thank you so much, I can finally breathe easy and know that there’s a reason behind all of this.
Hi nicole same exact thing here so what was the outcome? Did you get a period or were you pregnant? I am in the same exact boat right now as i post this and im confused.
First of all, thank you for this website and everybody’s comments, they were of great help! I will write my own experience and maybe it will help someone else. I had bronchitis and my doctor prescribed me a Z-Pack. I started taking it on day 4 of my period. Usually it is over by day 6 but this time it kept spotting until day 12. That cycle I did not have any ovulation signs or period. I made several tests that came negative, no wonder, because we used protection every single time. In two weeks I get massive signs of ovulation and two weeks after that I get my period, which is day 54 by now since the first day of my period two months ago!! Which leads me to believe that Z-Pack fried my hormones and caused an anovulatory cycle, just like the info in the article says. I had no other changes in life style. This has never ever happened to me before and I have 3 children. I have never had this long of a cycle even with breast feeding. So I am writing this after very worrisome 2 months to disprove those doctors, statements of Z-Pack side effects and articles that are so sure that antibiotics cannot mess with your cycle. Oh yes they can and they do!!
I am on the same page as the people here, I took amoxicillin for a wisdom tooth extraction a couple days after my period ended (Feb 27th carried over to March 4th-ish) anyway, I took amoxicillin 3 times a day for 7 days, felt okay but then my period never came that month (March that is). it is now April 3rd and I’m late about a week. I did have sex in March but it was always with a condom, I took a test on the 31st of March and it was negative but I’m still kind of freaking out that I am pregnant for some reason. I do not have a doctor I can go to, to go get my hormones checked out which I am in the process of figuring out….Any who… Should I be concerned I am pregnant at all or should I kick it to the antibiotics that messed up my cycle? If anyone has a doctor who they can recommend in the AZ region that I can see, that would be very helpful. Thanks!
Hi. I’m 23 and I took Co-Amox 625mg tab x 7days 2 weeks ago. I usually have my period between 17-20 every month. Now its the 27th and I’m still waiting…
Im on some sort of antibiotic for a stomach ulcer and uti and feel my period ststting early which is not okay cuz i got a trip to go on right before my next one so if it bumps me off course ill cry.
i am of 22 years .i am unmarried.last week took 3 amoxil and one augmenton for sore period date is 15 or 17 of every month.but still no periods,tooooo worried about it
I recently had to take antibiotics and had just had my period. It had been a week since my period ended and after the 2nd day of antibiotics BOOM!! My period AGAIN UGH….. at first it was very light to where not even a sanitary napkin was needed (gross). But this is the 5th day and I am currently still experiencing MY PERIOD! it is crazy how something that is suppose to help make you better screw with your body in this form. As if getting my period once a month for 7 days is not enough this time I get the joy of double periods, as well as mild cramping FUN this should be told to you when prescribed but any who hoping for this to end soon.
Hi Nicole,
I took azirthamycine for my toncil pain but on the third day when I took the medicine got periods but very light probably it is spotting though it is 5 days earlier from my exact date. I had sex on 6th of the month but with protection but now after three days of spotting m not bleeding still thinking that do I get my periods? Really Tensed Right Now.m
i am 22. i took cloxacillin 500mg to treat my my cellulitis on my right toe. I started taking rhe antibiotic by February 5 and tge first day of my period should supposedly by Feb 7 but until now (february 11), I am stil not having my period yet. Could it be possibly because of the antibiotic that i am taking until now? Or am i possibly pregnant?
Did you want end up getting your period! I’m having the same problem and took antibiotics for my celulitis… it’s now been 6 days late!
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This Website and all Programs offered by Nicole Jardim are for informational purposes only.
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Hi Nicole,
I took azirthamycine for my toncil pain but on the third day when I took the medicine got periods but very light probably it is spotting though it is 5 days earlier from my exact date. I had sex on 6th of the month but with protection but now after three days of spotting m not bleeding still thinking that do I get my periods? Really Tensed Right Now.
Can adco-amoclav 1000mg delay your period if it’s taken on the day your period is due or 1day before your period?
Have had regular periods for years.
Took Antibiotics for a week and my period is now 9 days late!
Definitely not pregnant.
Period symptoms have been going on for 10 days now! Sore breasts, headaches, bloating.
Sick of it now, i wish i had of known before taking antibiotics as this has really messed up my plans with holidays, nights out etc for the next couple of months!
Hi did you end up getting your period ?
I took a zpack for 5 days and I’m going on 4days late 🙁 this is so stressful.
I still haven’t gotten mine . 4 days late and I’m on the pill. I start my regular pills on Sunday . I have cramps but no period. I started the Zpac right before and it never cane
Hello, my name is Odine, l have pmdd. I was using DIM, it was like a miracle. I felt l could have a normal life at last. A few months ago l had tonsillitis and a abscess in my neck, l was almost hospitalised, l refused. Though l did promise the doctor l would take antibiotics and a steroid. Ever since the DIM has no effect. I am back in hell every two weeks of the month. I am a mother of two, one has autism. I can’t take it anymore, it’s such an isolating condition. I am considering having my ovaries removed.
Thank you so much for reading, sincere regards, Odine
I’m 26 and was giving a strong antibiotic for a perforated ear drum. The medicine gave me a yeast infection which I then had to take monostat. I missed my period by 3 day… and then I thought I had started, but I only bled for 1 day. Nothing else after that. Hoping that it is just the antibiotics.
Hi, I know you wrote this post 2 years ago but I am experiencing the exact same situation.. did things go back to normal? I’m extremely nervous that I might be pregnant..
Hello, I am 22 years old and have had regular periods since I had my son (2014).
I started taking antibiotics for swimmer ears and then had my period, as usual. We are here now, almost 2 weeks after my period ended & I’m bleeding again. (Mainly clots)
I went to the doctor and they honestly had no answer after several tests and ultra sounds.
Could my meds be the reason for this?
Hi Charity. The antibiotics could very well be the cause of the issues you’re having. Since it’s difficult for me to answer all of the questions that come through on my blog, I have created a group on Facebook called Know Your Flow where questions can be asked and experiences shared. There are thousands of amazing women (myself included) in this group offering advice and support to help others find the answers they are looking for. I think you’ll find this community to be a great resource so if you’d like to join, just copy and paste this URL in your browser, request to join the group and we’ll get you added: Hope to see you there!
Most of these stories are about delayed periods… I was wondering if antibiotics can cause prolonged bleeding? I take a progestin only birth control, and had just finished my period last week. Then I got a UTI and had to take 3 days of Bactrim. Now I’ve been bleeding again for another week. It’s not heavy, just enough to be annoying. Could the antibiotic have caused this?
I’m taking antibiotics right now because my wisdom tooth was extracted, I was on my period during this time and it’s been longer than 6 days I been cramping it overflows then stops and comes back again, should I be concerned?
Omg snap Hun I’m the same in everything
Thought I would share…
My husband and I are on our 4 month TTC and the last three months I’ve had regular periods and also regular positive ovulation tests two days in a row. I’ve tracked everything the in the clue app. This past fertility window has been strange and going on my 4th day of a negative ovulation tests. I thought it was strange but remembered this month I’ve been on three different antibiotics….two were for a UTI and bacterial infection at the beginning of the month. Next I got pneumonia and got a shot of antibotic at Urgent care and also took a 5 day supply of Z-pac. I had horrible diarrhea after the shot and the whole course of z-pax. I did start taking Florigen for the gut bacteria but it took at least a week for my BM to become normal again.
I’m convinced this is why I haven’t gotten a positive ovulation test this month and I expect my period to be late!! :-(:-(:-(:-(
I’m a bit sad because we want to be pregnant so bad and of course this is putting another obsticle in our way. 🙁
I was taking antibiotics and 2 different types of pain killers for my 4 wisdom tooth extractions. I took the medication for close to a week and a half. My doctor gave me extra drugs because I was about to travel and he didn’t want me to get a gum infection while I was on vacation. I’m 3 days late for my period so I have decided to take a pregnancy test this morning which turned out to be negative. Thank God. I have been experiencing slight cramps and vagina aches but no period. I was very concerned about that but I’m now relieved that I’m pregnant.
This was really helpful i started taking a antibiotics for a wisdom tooth infection and I was wondering if the light spotting was normal or a really bad side effect since I have never experienced this before and i have taken antibiotics before (although it has been a while since i needed any). Since irregular bleeding is on the WARNING part of the meds I was starting to wonder if i should keep taking them (since it is bad to stop in the middle of a round) but i was not having any of the other side effects. This information helped a lot in understanding and calming me down thanks!
Thanks for this article! I’m 41 and typically have pretty regular periods…about every 25 days or so. I started taking the antibiotic Metronidazole (tablet) for a mild vaginal infection on August 5 (for 7 days) and should have had my period on August 7th (give or take a day). I’m now 8 days late. My husband had a vasectomy years ago so we are not using birth control. I know I’m considered “pre-menopausal” (gasp!) and should expect a little fluctuation, but this is really worrying me!
UPDATE: At 11 days late, I took a pregnancy test in the morning. Negative…so that’s good. Went to work and started spotting (typically when my period starts, it’s with a BANG, not spotting). Even more sure now that my cycle is messed up because of the antibiotics.
My husband and I have been naturally TTC for 4 years. In June, I had to take 2 rounds of antibiotics for a sinus infection that wouldn’t go away. The first day of antibiotics happened to be the first day of my period (which is usually quite heavy during the first 4 days) and it immediately went away. My period was completely gone that week (which has never happened because I am always regular, +/- 1 day.) The following 2 months have resulted in periods that are still on time, but exceptionally lighter than I have experienced in years. Usually the first 4 days, I bleed through supers within 2 hours and now days 2-3 barely need a tampon. I know that my progestin numbers are already messed up and am convinced that my antibiotics messed them up more.
Do you have a source/sources for this?
“First, most antibiotics are metabolized by the liver, the same place that estrogen (and progesterone) are metabolized. When antibiotics are present, it can change the speed at which estrogen is metabolized, and reduce the available estrogen in the blood stream.”
I was on antibiotics basically for four weeks (3 different ones)along with four steroids(bad sinus infection, cold, broncitus). I have now been off almost two weeks. I got my period and should have been over it but for the past 7 days I keep spotting. Nothing major just a little every now is then, Would this be related to the antibiotics. I am on the pill so normally I start and stop at the same time.
I had gotten MRSA in my fingernail (cellulitis) I had to take antibiotics for 20 days 3 PILLS 3 Times a day so 9 pills total for 10 days and i have been using condoms everytime my boyfriend and I have had sex…it’s the 28th of April and no period…I just hope that they did effect my period and I am not tripping off being pregnant after using condoms!!!!
I started using a medication for a UTI the day after I started my period.. My period is usually 4-5days.. This time it is was only about 2 1/2 days.. Could this be an affect of the medication?
Same happened to me for a yeast infection pill I took. Usually my period is 4-6 days long, and it was maybe 2 and a half days this time after today
I’m taking antibiotics for about 12 days now and my date has also passed. Could it be because of the antibiotics that its getting delayed?? I’m so tensed..
I’m so glad I found this website as I needed answers on exactly this topic… My cycle has always been completely regular for the past 15 years, both on and off the pill and then about 2 months ago I had an infected lipoma in my shoulder that required a strong dose of antibiotics – a week of Augmentin and then 2 weeks of Amoxicillin to get it under control. As a result my period came 4 days early in March much to my surprise! Then come April nothing showed up…not a few days late which sometime can happen. But it finally came almost 2 weeks late, again with no warning signs. My doctor gave me no information that the antibiotics might do this to my system.. I only hope my cycle can get back on track again, but I won’t take antibiotics again without some serious consideration. Glad to see that so many other women have had the same issues! Thanks Nicole for the great information!
I was on a Z-Pack in March for symptoms of pneumonia. My period was 10 days late and I assumed I was pregnant. I took a test on day 9 and it was negative and got my period on day 10. I didn’t even consider the affects of the antibiotic until I got sick again last week with an ear infection. My doctor gave me amoxicilin and my infection ended up being resistant to the meds and back on the Z-pack I went. I have had continual spotting since my period on April 9th and I just finished my second Z-pack on April 18th. I really think the antibiotics have messed with my cycle. I was “spot on” every 30 days prior to being on antibiotics. This article helped me determine this 🙂 Thanks!
I was also on zpac but for bronchitis and I normally have my period for 5 to 6 days but I got my period while taking zpac and it only lasted about 2 days aswell. I have not gotten my period since and I’m a Virgin so there’s no way I could be pregnant
You know what’s worse than being late? Sepsis.
I took antibiotics at the beginning of my cycle for a sinus infection/bronchitis/fever, and I’m on CD 22 and still haven’t ovulated. I’m temping (BBT) because we are TTC. This has happened to me before too. Typically I’m pretty regular. I’m sure it’s the antibiotics and/or the illness. I’m fine now (the antibiotics worked right away after being sick for 1.5 weeks so I am thankful I could take them so I could get back on my feet for my 3 kiddos ages 6, 3, 2). I wonder how long it’ll take to get back to a regular cycle.
Right now im 2 days delayed, i was wondermg if it’s about the antibiotics that i took for my gum infection,
At first, i had spotting 10 days before my expected period… My dentist change my meds to azythromicin, since my gums were not fully healed.. I dont know the name of the first antibiotics she gave me…
The last time i took my meds were on april 5th, im getting stressed out why im delayed because my period is regular…
This article is very helpful, i hope i get my period soon,
Hi Bella. I’m happy this article helped. Thank you for sharing your experience and the issues your having. Just so you know, I have created a group on Facebook called Know Your Flow where questions can be asked and experiences shared. I think your story would be good to share in this group as I’m sure there are many women who are having similar issues. If you’re interested in joining our community, just copy and past this URL in your browser, request to join the group and we’ll get you added: Hope to see you there!
I have had a problem with my period ever since I can remember. My last one was like 8 months ago and before that one it had been almost a year. I attributed getting my period to starting school and being stressed and thought I might begin to be on a normal cycle. But here 8 months later I am finally getting it. I’m on the final few pills of amoxicillin I was given for strep and I was told it would affect birth control, so I began to think maybe the amoxicillin is causing my period to come back. I’m not on birth control and have not been to the gynecologist I plan to get a visit as soon as possible but is it possible my medicine is causing me to have my period again? When I go should I mention the amoxicillin being used around the same time?
Hi Y&C. I’m not sure about the connection between amoxicillin and the return of your period but I think there is more at play and would love to see you find a path towards getting back to a normal cycle. I recommend sharing your story on my Know Your Flow Facebook group. There are thousands of amazing women (myself included) in this group offering advice and support to help others find the answers they are looking for. I think you’ll find this community to be a great resource so if you’d like to join, just copy and paste this URL in your browser, request to join the group and we’ll get you added: Hope to see you there!
Thank you for writing about this! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for only one month and then bam, I get a horrible ear infection. I was on a very high dosage and now my period is about 2 weeks late. I was freaking out there for a second thinking, there is no way I got pregnant on the first try. After spending a ton of money on pregnancy tests, I am not pregnant and I’m glad to see other stories the same.
Hi, I am married before 4months . Am trying to get pregnant. But unfortunately I got a bacterial infection on December month and I got a treatment n took nitrofurantoin tablet for a week. And I got cured. My last month period date was on 6th. Now it’s January 8th n I still din get periods. But am getting breast pain . Am looking out to get pregnant. Can u help me , whether this delay is due to antibiotics r pregnancy … pls reply me
Hi.. I had being taking heavy antibiotics for cold like azethromycin .. My period is delayed by 40 days.. I m not pregnant.. Can you please suggest is it ok that my period is delayed for so long??
In November I had an bacterial infection I took antibiotics to get rid of the infection. I started the 28 of November and i didn’t start in December and now it’s January 4. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t think im pregnant or anything because i used protection on the 17 of november is it possible i could be? Like I also hear that stress can cause this too
I started taking ciprofloxacin in November after having a baterial infection, expected to have my period on December 18th, its now January 1st and still no period. I have taken two pregnancy test which are negative, I am very concerned my cycle is always 28th days, please advise if I need to see a doctor.
my period has passed its 7th day mark and it hasnt stopped.Usually by the 7th day evening im all clean. This time i had a bad chest infection and was on strong antib. Do u think that has a part to play in a longer period? This is tge first time havn a longer period
Just wanted to add my experience here- 21 years old and I have never had a late period in my life before this-
Just got my period after 8 days of being late and the only difference was taking 5 days of Macrobid twice a day for a UTI. I had never taken this particular antibiotic and was told it was a strong one. I felt fine taking it and had no side effects! I wasn’t stressed, lost weight, or have any health issues. This was the only thing I did different the past month! This page gave me reassurance that the antibiotics were the cause of this, despite not being able to find any info such as this anywhere on the internet. I think More research should be done on this!
yeah, I have to use antibiotics because of my appendicitis, my period is late and I’m starting to worry, if I haven’t slept with anybody while drunk.. but gynecologist said that my eggs are okay and nothing’s wrong… my period isn’t regular but I’m 16, I don’t know why, and my period calendar predicted that my menstruation should be 9 days ago
oh my god, so, because of my appendicitis I have to use antibiotics
For those of you who are asking how late the period can be…for me it was 20 days late I was already expecting to have my next cycle and skipping this one. I was on antibiotic for a week in the hospital for pneumonia and then I had another round of antibiotics for prevention.
Oh my gosh I was also hospitalized for a week for pneumonia recently and put on several i.v. antibiotics. The day I got admitted I was just finishing my menses but weirdly continued to bleed very thin watery blood the whole week I was in hospital.
Now I’m two weeks later with no period in sight. Reading this article makes total sense, so glad to have come across it! Pneumonia is intense, hope you are healing well!
This article is such a relieve! I am now 8 days late. I took a pt and its negative … I have like really bad cramps and backaches now which sometimes come as pre-mensus pains, i even consulted my gynae because this never happens, im always on time! Yet she was like she doesnt think the meds i took like two weeks and some days ago could affect me. I cant remember the name but i took some strong antibiotics then to clear some bacterial infection i had. So i see these could be the reason… Let me wait n see if these mensus will come. I have never been this anxious daaaamn! But this post right here, is a relieve! …
Hi! I have been taking Kefir n cultured food recently and my menses has not arrive as usual and I am still waiting. Delayed for 5days. I have not taking any antibiotic too. I’m confused.
I have PCOS and irregular (almost non-existent) periods. I seldom get sick or need antibiotics, but every time I am prescribed antibiotics I get a period. Thank you for the insight into why antibiotics affect cycles.
i have been trying to get pregnant for many years but it doesn’t seems to work , i and my hubby has done all the test and the doctor steel could not get the reason why am not getting pregnant , until i was researching online how to get pregnant fast and natural ,it was then i saw so many comments and testimonies of different women and families from different parts of the world testifying how azuba has help them with the powerful witch craft destroyer powder and protection powder, that destroys any form of witch craft and making the impossible possible .then i decided to contact azuba and ask about the substance and the powder , i did request for it and it was sent to me via delivery agency and within 3days the powder and substance was delivered to me , with the instruction for various situation and how to use it , i did follow the instruction and before i had intercourse with my hubby i blew the powder into the air and around my house that very night , some few months later i fell ill and went to do test and my doctor confirmed it that i am pregnant , i really appreciate azuba for the good work and joy you brought into my family, just like i saw other peoples comment and i was encourage so am also putting mine out so that it will encourage some one other there crying , you can contact azuba and request for your own witch craft destroyer powder and wonder powder okay on email : az**************@gm***.com or cell phone +2348149271063
Hi! It’s quite an interesting article! I’m french and I’ve been looking everywhere on some clues about what’s happening to me but no french articles were giving any information. I am a biolgist and as such I know that everything in our body is linked and that a small reaction somewhere may cause an “eathquake” somewhere else. Dorctors have a hard time taking seriously such theories but the facts are here. Everytime I take antibiotic treatments, it is followed by a couple of days of pseudo-menstruations (more than spotting), every single time! And I am 40, so I can tell you I had more than one treatment over the years.
So thank you for this interesting discussion.
Hello Ladies,
Many thanks for the information, stumbled on this article yesterday after a week of panicking. I had UTI in the middle of last month and was placed on a strong antibiotics for five days. My period was supposed to start on the 16th, today it’s officially 7 days late. Have mild cramps that come and go, and very painful breasts. Took a pregnancy test twice, it came out negative. Still awaiting the period…..greatly suspect the antibiotics though.
Hello Ladies,
Finally got my period today, 9 days late; 40-day cycle, has never happened to me before. And I really blame the antibiotics. It’s been a really stressful time. Phew!
Thank you so much for posting when you did get your period. Was on a round of antibiotics for a sinus infection and then another round to fix what the first round destroyed in my body (my entire gut and ability to keep food in). Now having the same issues as you, no period but the light cramping and sore breasts but no period. Hopefully in the next few days.
I was on antibiotics for little over 2 weeks – tonsilitis (took the last one last sunday) now my period is 4 days late – panicking!!! But now I feel slightly better reading the article and comments… Fingers crossed it comes in the next few days…
hey even i had got uti and after few days yeast infection and my periods are really scanty from two months is this the reason as i have finished my course of medicines just a week back.
I was on my last few days of my period when I was put on an antibiotic for a sinus infection on Sunday and my period usually stops by Monday (I am on birth control by the way) but I keep seeing a little spotting and I don’t know if that’s because of the antibiotic? Could you please tell me if its normal to continue bleeding a little after your period is supposed to be over while on an antibiotic? Thank you!
I was recently in the hospital for two weeks on heavy courses of antibiotics for the entire time as well as heavy courses of steroids for two weeks because I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and by coincidence happen to have a staff infection at the same time. My period is now nine days late and I’m freaking out because I did have relations about two weeks ago so I’m concerned that ovulation was delayed and I couldn’t fact have conceived but I’m hoping it is because of the medicine which do you think is more likely?
Is it possible that being on the combined pill and taking augmentin (co-amoxiclav) can make breasts swollen and heavy due to messing around with my cycle and hormones? Pregnancy test has come back negative however breasts are still uncomfortably large and heavy.
I am so grateful for this article. Such great info!! I am currently 6 days late…It is possible that I am pregnant, but at the same time my fiance and I have been super careful since we are getting in less than month. I was expecting my period on the 17th. I was diagnosed with Strep throat on Monday the 13th when i started taking antibiotics. Today is my last day of antibiotics and still no period. I don’t feel any symptoms like I am pregnant (and i have 2 kids) or like I am getting my period. How many days after stopping an antibiotic will it take for you body to function at normal levels again?
Hi Nicole,
My husband and I have been on the straight and narrow to have a successful pregnancy after my miscarriage in early May. On June 29 I was diagnosed with bronchitis after being sick the previous week. I immediately started my zpack and once that was finished I followed up with probiotics. Today I am officially 7 days late, but my pregnancy tests have all been negative. After reading your article I realize the antibiotics could be effecting the timeliness of my period. But I also didn’t have positive pregnancy tests with my last pregnancy… At what point do you suggest I contact my doctor? I don’t want to seem like an alarmist, but I desperately want to be pregnant and this waiting game is making me crazy.
Hi nicole, good thing I found this article on the net. I’ve been worrying since last week because I am
7 days delayed on my period. But i already took pt 3days after my period was delayed and the result is negative.And last 2weeks my doctor prescribed me to take antiobiotics like co-amoxiclav and inoflox could this be really the reason why my menstruation is delayed? Im hoping that I am not really pregnant cause the pt shows negative. So when do I get the chance that my period will late come on? Do you have any idea, im really scared and worried at the same time.
I wish that I could say that I was only a few days late. Antibiotics screw with me so bad while I’m on birth control. The first time I had to take them was two years ago, and I didn’t have my period for TWO MONTHS. This time around I had a severe sinus infection and it’s been THREE MONTHS. I took a pregnancy test just to be sure about two weeks ago. Not pregnant. But I switched to an estrogen only birth control last fall and it’s been a pain as well. I’ve had symptoms of a period for a week now. I just want my period and be able to move on with my life.
Honestly I am sorry I read this article. I’ve been taking antibiotics for about 2 weeks now for a very bad sinus infection. However my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now. I was really getting my hopes up and considered buying a pregnancy test because I am never late but I don’t want to be disappointed now realizing it must be the antibiotics. Thank you for the info though.
Hi Nicole,
Nice article! it seemed to help me with my dilemma of my period issues. I’m on a 31 day cycle and today is day 34 of missing my period and my period was due last Thursday, and i’m on antibiotics for a bacteria infection. Could the antibiotics be the reason my period is late?
Hi Victoria, yes absolutely they could be the reason your period is late, especially if you haven’t done anything else different during this cycle.
Could antibiotics cause your period to come 5 days early and much lighter than usual?…
I was on a course of Augumentin Duo it was a 5 day course but i had to stop after 3.5 days as I had developed severe diarrhea, even after stopping the meds the diarrhea continued for a further 5 days before resolving.
When I started the meds I was on the second day of my period (was a week early) which lasted 4 days.
however on day 9 of my cycle i started spotting and now on day 15 I still have spotting, its not heavy only noticeable when i wipe.
Would you think this is being caused by a drop in my estrogen levels caused by the antidbiotics and the diarrhea causing me not to ovulate or similiar as such the cause of the spotting?
My daughter has been prescribed Antibiotics for her acne. After taking them for 6 weeks she has noticed a difference in her skin but her period is also 17 days late. I looked on this page to
see if taking Antibiotics could make your period late (which it can), but now i’m confused !!!!
Have the Antibiotics cleared her skin because it was a bacterial infection or has it cleared because they have messed around with her hormones? We have been to several Doctors who wanted to prescribe the Pill but I was not happy with her going on this due to her age.
Hi there, if you believe it could be hormonal, try the all natural supplement called Macau root. It’s available in health stores in a powder or pill form. The store here offers 3 stages; adolescent, childbearing, and menopausal. It supports the endocrine system and has helped me regulate my cycle (I have pcos which causes acne, missed periods, menopausal symptoms, etc). The Dr placed me on the pill but after doing my research, decided to ween myself off. Good luck to you.and your daughter
Good article. a few days ago I got strep and was given penicillin in pill form to take, plus I am taking ibuprofen when my throat hurts. and lucky me, my period came 2 days later as planned! yay… 🙁 the meds are working for my throat but it seems to make my stomach worse. ouch
Hi Nicole
Great article! And love the detailed info.
I’ve been on 2 courses of antibiotics because of a bad flu and a set of anti viral meds.
I’m usually on a 28day cycle. It’s now day 36 and no sign of my period.
Could this be the cause of all these meds?
I was diagnosed with periorial dermatitis two weeks ago so my PA prescribed amoxicillin to take twice a day everyday for a month. I’m on birth control so I got my period a week into the antibodies, on schedule and totally normal. I have my period for 3-4 days and it was light as usual. But this week (end of week 2 on antibodotics) I’ve been having cramps like I was about to go on my period again. Today, Friday, I got home and I had somehow started my period, again! This is very unusual for me and it seems like I should have a lack of menstrating rather than an increase! Is this something I should talk to my dermatologist about or is it somewhat normal? Please help 🙁
I was on myperiod for 3days my heaviest days are 2-4 days. For the a week I notice an abcess on my gums it was hurting so yesterday I found some antibiotics that were prescribed to me in April. Now I notice my flow is much lighter than normal and its normally heavy on 4th day.
I had strep and tonsilitis at the same time. So first I was on Penicillin for 5 days and then Augmentin for 10 days. I was supposed to get my period a week ago and still haven’t gotten it. I definitely think it’s antiiobiotics that is messing with it.
Highly likely, Sarah!
Hi all,
I took a 5 say of penicillin 2 weeks ago ( mid cycle) for a wisdom tooth removal. Now it’s sore boobs, tired. Constipated , bloat and body aches. I did have sex this month but it was protected. Well into 40s but had a miscarriage 6 months ago so I do believe I can still get pregnant( having it stick another story). This is causing me stress in every direction. Tests negative but I’m only on day 18 of cycle so who knows. Boobs haven’t hurt during pms in a while and they feel bigger. Could antibiotics cause symptoms like this?? If anyone else has similar tale would love to hear..
Im having a 14+ day period! Two days after finishing my antibiotic course i got my period which was on schedule but now its not ending! Could it be antibiotics?
Hey Tas! It’s definitely a possibility. Did it taper off yet?
Thank you so much Nicole! So relieved to have found this!
My boyfriend and I have been getting so worried about my period because I’m never more than a day late. I had strep throat the day before my period was suppose to come and started the antibiotics (10 day duration) right away. Currently 3 days late but after reading this it has given me hope that it’s the antibiotics throwing off my cycle. I have not had sex and I am not on any birth control so this is the only factor as to why my period has not come yet.
Thanks again!
Hey Ashley! So glad this post was helpful for you. Thanks for dropping by!
I’m currently on augumentin which is an antibiotics and I think it’s affecting the color of my period help
Hey Annette. Come on over to the Know Your Flow Facebook group. Let’s get you some support over there!
I just want to say this post, especially the comments section, helped my anxiety a lot. I had taken Macrobid for one day and stopped as I got really sick off of it. My body hasn’t been right ever since. I just had a period a few weeks before taking it, but got another one the day after, which doctors had originally chalked up to breakthrough bleeding. I of course did not get my period again when I was supposed to so I figured that bleeding was probably my period and had my app recalculate when my next one should be. Even after this, I was over a week late, very anxious, having pregnancy symptoms. I took a test and it was negative and got my period the next day. Doctors never say anything about the effects of antibiotics on your reproductive system and it’s awful. It has changed my entire cycle, all of my period symptoms, added to my severe anxiety, and led to significant weight loss as well. Never again. I will be starting d-mannose pills for my chronic UTIs in hopes that I will never have to take antibiotics ever again. I don’t wish this upon anyone and I’m posting in hopes that someone else will be eased by hearing this, as I was by hearing all of your testimonies.
Hi Nicole,
Let me say that I’m overjoyed to have found this article online because something I considered extremely bizarre happened to me. My cycle is usually a 28 day one and is regular. I am NEVER even a day late with getting a period. The time I was late it was due to pregnancy. In April, I took an antibiotic called Clarihexal 500 mg for 10 days, to treat a sinus infection. My period was 3 days late & I was convinced I was pregnant. I even took 2 home pregnancy tests (which were negative ) because my husband and I have gone off birth control to have children. The point is the only thing out of the ordinary that was introduced into my body that month was this antibiotic & I had a gut feeling that it could be responsible for my offish cycle, but no scientific proof to back my suspicion. Thanks for this article.
Thank you, Joy, for sharing your story. I’m so grateful you’ve found this community! xo