Dr. Quozette Valera (Dr. Q) is a licensed physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction practicing in Los Angeles. Dr. Q is the creator of the comprehensive childbirth & postpartum education class: Birth & Beyond by Q, and she uses social media to spread pelvic health awareness and encourage people to make informed choices about their bodies by advocating for transparent sex education, bodily autonomy, and reproductive rights.
I’ve been following Dr. Q on Instagram and I love the fierce content she shares around bodily autonomy and reproductive rights. Definitely follow her on Instagram because her page is full of truth bombs!
In this episode, we talk about pelvic organ prolapse, risk factors that contribute to pelvic organ prolapse, why doing Kegels alone isn’t enough, why many women don’t realize they have a prolapse, how gynecological conditions like endometriosis impact your pelvic floor muscles, the foundation of bodily autonomy, and so much more!