As you know, I am super passionate about helping others live their best life. My biggest joy is showing women how to create spectacular physical & emotional health, so that anything becomes possible in their lives.

One of the topics that I feel is not getting enough attention as it relates to our menstrual and reproductive health *(for both women and men), is Electromagnetic Fields or EMFs for short.

What are EMFs?

EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields and they are emitted by cell phones, wifi, microwaves, hair dryers, smart TV’s and more. Basically, anything that connects to a wifi or LTE/4G/5G signal emits EMFs! Yup, pretty much all the devices we are surrounded by in our daily lives

How do EMFs affect our health?

A 2017 study found that EMFs increase oxidative stress because they impair antioxidant defense systems in the body, which are responsible for keeping free radical damage under control.

In his book the Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, Nicolas Pineault, quotes studies showing EMFs are linked to:

While some of these studies are older and less reliable and some are animal studies, I like to err on the side of caution. Especially when it comes to something that we are all literally bathing in 24 hours a day.

Helpful tips for reducing your EMF exposure from Nicolas:

  • Avoid electric heating pads and electric blankets (linked to miscarriage)
  • Unplug your bedroom lamps before sleep – even if they’re turned “off” they still emit EMFs. I sleep sooo deep when I unplug everything in my room.
  • Avoid underwire bras – anything metallic attracts EMFs in the environment.
  • Turn off your wifi at night (as in, plug your router into a power strip with an off button) and flick that button off each night.
  • Don’t put your cell phone in your pocket, in your bra (seriously ladies!), hold it in your hand, or up against your ear. Keep in your purse and use wired earbuds. Wireless earbuds are a very bad idea (sorry guys!).
  • Make sure that you are grounding yourself regularly – walk barefoot on grass, earth or the beach as often as possible. Hug trees, become a gardener, take baths. This connection to the earth/ground will help mitigate the effects of EMFs on our health.
  • You can even get products to help you get grounded in your home – sheets and mats, wearables etc. Check out for everything you need.

Some more helpful tips I’ve learned along the way:

Robyn Openshaw, another health and wellness expert who’s work I admire suggests the xZubi which is a small sticker that can be put on all devices – cell phones, computers, iPads etc – to limit the harmful effects of EMFs by up to 84%. I’ll let you read what Robyn has to say about it and purchase them at 40% off.

Replace CFL bulbs with LED or incandescent bulbs. CFL bulbs emit lots of EMFs plus they emit way more blue light than CFL or LED light bulbs – blue light is bad for your melatonin production and sleep.


Experts on EMF