As women, there are very few things that make us crawl into bed and curl up into a fetal position. One of those is period pain, oh, and the sheer exhaustion that shows up during period time.

Menstrual cramps happen for a variety of reasons, but most often it’s linked to chronic inflammation that is caused by a diet lacking in key nutrients (a lack of magnesium is a common occurrence) and chronic stress.

I wanted to share this delightful herbal concoction I created specifically to ease the pain of menstrual cramping and basically transport your body right back to a functional state.


  • 1/2 teaspoon anise, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon lavender
  • 1/2 teaspoon fennel, dried
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger, powder or a small slice of raw ginger
  • 2 teaspoons marjoram, dried
  • 2 teaspoons basil leaf, dried
  • 2 teaspoons chamomile
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey (optional)

This is enough for two steeps (two 12 ounce cups of tea), but you can totally make a whole pot, which is easier. I’d just double the amounts above. I recommend this teapot for making a large batch. 

Where to get herbs

Herbs work best when paired up with other herbs of similar constitution. I get all my herbs from my local natural food market, which carries products from a great certified organic loose leaf company. I buy loose leaf herbs and make my own infusion variety depending on what my body needs.

You can also find loose leaf herbs on Mountain Rose Herbs and Penn Herb Company.


Combine all herbs and steep in 1 cup of boiled hot water for five minutes. Strain the herbs out of the tea and add a bit of raw honey if you’d like (optional). Let it cool just just enough to drink comfortably, but drink it hot while curled up with your hot water bottle (on the couch watching Netflix preferably).

I also suggest drinking this tea in the few days leading up to your period and throughout your period for as long as you have symptoms.

Nutritional info

  • Anise is a warming herb, and along with basil, is used for nausea, and abdominal pains.
  • Chamomile with its calming properties is known as the “band-aid of the stomach,” and is an excellent remedy for menstrual cramps, especially when combined with ginger, which is also of great benefit to the stomach, intestines, and circulation and commonly used for cramps and nausea.
  • Fennel and marjoram are used to treat colic and cramping, specifically targeting nausea and cramps associated with menstruation and severe cases of abdominal cramps.
  • Lavender is used to help nourish the nervous system and it aids in the body’s relaxation process.