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April 22, 2023

How Living In Sync With Your Menstrual Cycle Can Help You Address Common Period Problems

with podcast guest

Jenn Pike


You have to become a trailblazer for your body and your life.

This week we’re going back to basics and looking at how we can take control of our lives with a deeper understanding of our cycles and how hormone fluctuations impact how we should move and nourish our bodies.

I’m joined by Jenn Pike, a Functional Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, and the bestselling author of The Simplicity Project as well as her two cookbooks, The Simplicity Kitchen and The Simplicity Body. Jenn is dedicated to teaching women what they should have known about their bodies all along: the incredible healing abilities, wisdom, and power their bodies hold and how to bring them to life.

In this episode, we talk about the phases of the menstrual cycle, what it means to live in sync with your cycle, how to plan your activities and nutrition according to where you are in your cycle, how we can break patriarchal cycles through a deeper understanding of our bodies, and so much more!

This episode is brought to you by Agni. Visit AgniForAll.com and use my code PERIODPARTY for 15% off.

I’m so excited because Agni has just launched a complete women’s health box for healthy hormones and better periods. What I really like about Agni is that they work with a Medical Advisory Board and top chefs to make their products, so if you’ve ever wished your supplements tasted delicious, you’ll really love their new box. The Complete Women’s Health Box has five awesome products in it – my personal favorite is the double chocolate chip cookies. They’re the kind of cookies that make you want to eat the whole box in one sitting. I also really love the seasonings which make seed cycling super easy, plus they turn your avocado toast into otherworldly goodness. Everything in the box is gluten-free, dairy-free, and totally delicious.

To try out their new box or learn more, visit AgniForAll.com and use code PERIODPARTY for 15% off.


  • The empowering effect of understanding your cycle
  • Phases of the menstrual cycle
  • How to track your cycles while you’re on the pill or synthetic hormones
  • The pill’s impact on your cycle
  • What it means to live in sync with your cycle
  • Breaking up with the patriarchal cycle
  • Why tracking your cycle is a crucial first step
  • Planning your activities with your cycle in mind
  • Syncing your exercise routines with the phases of your cycle
  • The consequences of not listening to your body
  • Practical guidelines for thinking about your nutrition and cycle syncing
  • What you need to know about nutrient timing
  • Being a trailblazer in your own body and life


Want even more hormone and
period lovin' content?

You shouldn’t live in fear that you’ll be dealing with hellish symptoms forever. Suffering does not have to be a mandatory part of your journey – you have the power to bring about big change for yourself and begin a new chapter in your period story.

Take the quiz to unveil the real cause of your symptoms and start your journey toward periods that are “no big deal.”

Bonuses Include: The Fix Your Period Workbook to Use Alongside the Book
The Fix Your Period Toolkit includes a series of handouts on vaginal steaming, how to use CBD for your menstrual cycle problems, seed cycling, how to use castor oil packs to support your period and fertility, and how to live in harmony with your cycle!

Lara Briden

Mastering Metabolic Health

Dr. Lara Briden is a renowned naturopathic doctor and bestselling author of “Period Repair Manual,” “Hormone Repair Manual,” and her latest book, “Metabolism Repair for

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Information in this post and on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of practice experience and research by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always speak with your physician or another healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my affiliate disclosure.